bradmbrown -> (9/1/2001 8:53:00 AM)
There is a certain way I like to play when I am in solitaire mode.
I make my decisions as fast as I can. Yep. Just like real commanders, no time, no time. Makee lottsa mistakee that way! Goooood! When an unexpected thing happens, say a unit runs into a mine RIGHT THERE that I didn't tell it to NOT move through, I get a BIG rush when I hear the sickening explosion (there ought to be some screams too, so I can feel guilty) and I KEEP playing. No backtracking to a saved game. This way I can go through much of the hell the scenario designer wished me to - without the agony of having to write home to the Mothers.
I don't mind at all a unit doing something I didn't expect. What BUGS ME IS MOUSE WRIST. That's all.
I hate mouse wrist.
I wish there were keyboard shortcuts to facilitate movement commands for those of us Carpal Tunnel challenged. I know there aren't, I know there is not much more can be done for this game etc etc.
I can work on a keyboard for many many hours before my parts start to fall of and go splat on the floor. But I get tired really quick with mouse.
Please don't tell me again, "Matrix has no plans to deal with the issue that will, instead be dealt with in CL/CA." I already know that! It's getting as redundant as the old standbye from M$, "Did you try re-installing?"
Grins. I will keep playing, mouse or not. If it takes seventy five mouse clicks to move two hexes, I will continue to tolerate it.
Second best game I ever played, the first is something I won't talk about in a public forum