Greybear -> (9/3/2001 6:57:00 PM)
Originally posted by General Amnesty:
I am not sure what you mean by that. I am not sure YOU are sure what you mean by that.
Restate it?
I typed the words '+"black bear" +jpg' in yahoo search engine and used the first black and white picture of a black bear I saw. I didn't care who made the picture. I wouldn't have cared if Billy-Bob McIncest from Upper Bunghole, had made the picture. It was black and white (low bandwidth) and it looks like a bear!
We don't use automatic rifles to hunt with in Canada. Except for Quebec. They are crazy there.
In Canada most culpable homocide is done with fists, boots, beater-sticks and knives.
If you are a member of NRA, so what? What does that mean, that you own an automatic rifle? 20 of them? Anti tank guns? What?
Don't believe the propoganda. No one who disagrees with automatic rifle and handgun registration registration up here will register.
A shovel is as easy to use here as it is in your country. The mounties haven't taken away our wheels yet, or our shovels and we got 3.9 million square miles of dirt where any Canuck who owns them can bury his antitank guns and assault rifles. Never know when ya might need your antitank guns, maybe next year be good elk Season????
Never be proud to have guys named "Bubba" around you.
My grampa taught me how you can recognize a Yankee deer hunter. This is truth. I won't tell the story of when he proved it. Yankee deer hunters wear Camo (!)
I spit my vodka up first time I ever seen that. And I have seen it a hundred times since.
There are 7 million legal long guns in this country. Who knows how many illegal types.
There aren't yet thirty million of us. 10 million of us are children. YOU do the math.
Don't believe all the propoganda you are shovelled.
Don't you worry, Yank. We ain't ready to get butt____ed by wild boars yet.
[ September 02, 2001: Message edited by: General Amnesty ]
General, It seems that I am honor bound to defend my native state from your northern aggression ( and BC is WAY north isn’t it). 1) We flatlanders (to differentiate from the other major southern categories: hillbillies, peckerwoods, and cityboys) spells Billy-Bob, Billy Bob. People with hyphens in their names are not allowed in rural southern US. 2)You must have confused the website reference with LOWER Bunghole ( if I remember correctly is just west of Delite). Upper Bunghole is somewhere north of here. 3) Automatic rifles haven’t been used in years since AGFC started enforcing daily limits. The only exceptions are for cityboys who can’t hit any thing and hog hunting. 4)What have you got against Quebecs? 5)As for my NRA membership, I own 1 semiautomatic rifle, a Ruger 10/22, but I own about 15 pistols. No artillery, sorry. I knew a guy in Kentucky that had a M1897 field gun. 6)I guess you don’t have the equivalent of the ATF up there. If the ATF gets an anonymous tip that you buried something, they might dig your barn up with a backhoe. Heard about it happening about 10 years ago. 7)Arkansas elk permits go for about $15,000 to $60,000 each, no guarantee, no centerfire calibers over .5 inch (no AT guns). 8) I have never meet a Bubba I didn’t like. 9) About the Camo, you are right, only Yankees or Cityboys wear camo. Wait a minute, YOU WASN’T REFERRING TO ME AS A YANKEE, WERE YOU? 10)I don’t believe all the propaganda, but Charlton Heston wouldn’t lie. 11)YOU DID CALL ME A YANK, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GET INSULTING.