RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (Full Version)

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Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/7/2004 9:53:13 AM)

Turn #16

Major Mess reporting:

Opened up the game, and the first look at the map was encouraging, but then I saw the replay!

No artillery was aimed at my forces to start this turn, I liked that.

Then …………………………………………………………

I had parked a MG34 in some bushes darn near the back of the map, overlooking Kanonenfutter’s anticipated route from his flanking maneuver from the North. Imagine my surprise when at least two T34’s with riders popped up right behind them. Lots of fireworks were flying around that bush ……………………………… end result, one dead MG team, plus one severely damaged Kubelwagon.

Yikes!!!! ……………………………….. T34’s in the backfield.

Not Good, not good at all.

The village of Rovno was quite, hopefully because everything Russian over there was smashed, burning or at least knocked senseless from the turn before.

East Dubno saw the appearance of a couple of T34’s rampaging their way down Main St., attacking everything in their path.

The Stug I lost was in Dubno, it took about four hits before it exploded. That dummy had been taking shots at the Soviet armor for about three turns now, popping out of the smoke …………. taking aim and missing almost every time. He had his chances, but didn’t take them. He paid for it.

End of the replay had a bunch of Russian patriots retreating.

I then rallied up what I had left to work with, and proceeded with my new plan on managing this battle.

Way up in the Northwest, where I lost my last Stug jeep hunting, I found a lone T34 with riders hiding in the weeds. I brought up another Stug to engage the enemy, the T34 op fired and missed.
My Stug fired ……. and hit him, but no kill. He fired again. I brought up a second Stug, he fired at the Russian, again and again. Half the rounds out-right missing from my two panzers, the rest bouncing and pinging off of the hull of the Russian.
I then brought forward a Flammpanzer, he made short work of the infantry, then he tried his luck against the beast. Two squirts of flame engulfed the cornered monster.

That T34 is still sitting there, …………………….. buttoned up.

It’s been one of those kind of days.

Didn’t get to do much else, don’t have much left to work with.
Did see a lot of tanks.

End of the turn had Kanonenfutter’s big tubes hunting for my Nebelwerfers, Then the sky was filled with rockets screaming through the air from both camps. His hit Dubno, plus the woods West of my VH’s, mine landed on the heads of his troops, some to the North, the rest at the center.

The last stand is coming up ……………………………..

Orders sent out with my last runner, turn sent to the Cossack Kanonenfutter.

Major Mess …………………………….. signing out.

Kanonenfutter -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/10/2004 7:43:07 AM)

Soviet Turn 18 of 27

My boys are driving through the rear of the enemy. Found 2 Nebelwerfer and Ammo-Trucks. Ka-Bumm !The next target is probaply the enemy home-victory-hexes. The last stand. 1 German Flame-Tank destroyed by a AT-Squad in the North.

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/12/2004 12:33:39 AM)

Turn #17

Major Mess reporting:

The Russian onslaught continues, no more of his artillery though ………………….. that would just get in the way of his marauding army.

Up in the Northwest, it took a combined attack from my flame tank and a Stug just to kill the crew of that T34 I buttoned up last turn.
The tank crew started shooting at my armor first!!
Incredible, ………………………. it took too much of my few resources to silence them.
Then a Soviet ATR team started taking pot-shots at the flame tank from about 200 meters away ………………………………… and they were able to kill it!

T34’s running through my picket line of MG’s behind my VH’s, killing everything. My Nebelwerfer park has been closed down, what isn’t dead will be soon. More T34’s with riders overwhelmed it.

It appears that what is left of my forces is now encircled by the enemy.

East Dubno is now infested with Soviet armor, chewing through my squads that still fight back.

I rally up what I have left, and prepare for the inevitable.

I try to dis-engage my armor in the Northwest, see if they may be a little more productive in Dubno. Immobilized a Stug in the bush for my efforts. It’s been that sort of game for me.

My artillery is either dead or used up, I can only offer token pockets of resistance now. And what we are seeing of the Russian attack means our time is up soon.

Soviet artillery wakes up and pounds Dubno to end the turn, thankfully no rockets but enough to pin down whatever healthy assets that I have left.

I have sent my last runner towards the enemy camp with our terms of surrender, but until we hear from our foe, we shall fight!

Major Mess ………………………………….. signing out

Kanonenfutter -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/14/2004 12:25:07 PM)

Dubno is almost in our hands. A T-34 killed a StuG F with a lucky 27% shoot + a flame tank destroyed in the city. We only accept uncondicinal surrender [:D]

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/17/2004 4:34:52 AM)

Turn #18

Major Mess reporting:

Unconditional surrender?????? …………………… Me????????????

I wanted you to surrender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serious pressure everywhere ………………………… I got tanks attacking me from the North, the South, from in behind me ………………………….. and especially from the East. Lots of tanks from the East.

That was my last functional Stug on the battlefield. He’s been sitting in a wonderful hideout for a couple of turns now, so you know it’s found a good place to fire from by now. A T34 come stumbling in to its field of fire, looking in a completely different direction. The Russian is about 200 meters away ……………………………… the best my Stug could do was watch its shot glance off the tank like a snowball. Then the Commie spun his turret around and plinked my Stug with one shot.

I’m getting the feeling that I was offered some duds when I purchased my units to begin this game. I’m pretty sure my tankers all graduated in the bottom third of their class.

All the other things concerning my armor are my fault, I’ll own up to that. But the shooting skills my Stugs have exhibited really make me shake my head.
Lesson learned ………………………Stugs are cheaper than turreted tanks, by their inferior fire control is the trade-off. Gotta get some of both.

I lost my Flammpanzer only because I don’t have enough infantry to provide security for them. I really don’t have much left to work with.

Sent out a call on the radio, and I’m pleasantly surprised at the amount of responses I get back. I’ve got people still ready to fight.

Well then …………………………. we rally up and set about harassing the enemy.

All I asked my sniper to do was whack that Sov ATR team, this move was just out of spite, pretty well because they had killed my flamer last turn. His first shot was at 44% (I’ve just recently started to pay attention to that detail ………………. you get one part of this game down, and then the next level presents itself to you ………… or me I mean).
He missed, and got some Pah Pah Sha rounds in return. His second shot was at 17% or so, and he missed again. More SMG fire back.
I am so fed up with these German hotshots not hitting any thing I aim them at ………………………….. I don’t care if he lives or not anymore.

Everywhere else I pull back a little bit more, trying to become one with the rubble. Which was good for me because to end the turn Mr. K sent a lot of BM13’s and mortar rounds right where I used to be.
He wants a parade down Main St. and he doesn’t care what it looks like when he gets there.

In behind my remaining VH’s his tanks are crunching through the woodlands shooting up everything they drive up to. The last of my ammo trucks went up flames, and I have one severely frightened prime mover desperately trying to get away.

One battery of BM13’s land right on my VH’s to end the turn.

Missed me.

Encouraging words are sent down the line ……………………. nobody needs orders now.

Major Mess …………………………… on the front line ………………….. signing out.

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/19/2004 12:19:59 PM)

Turn #19

Major Mess reporting:

I had made a picket line of empty mortar teams and trucks, well these guys showed more guts than most of my front line troops. They stopped at least two T34’s from advancing, …………………. out-gunned, out-manned, they never faltered. They kept shooting until they were dead.

My Headquarters squad was then attacked, and was overrun by a T34!

That sucks.

I should have moved the HQ last turn ……………….. I knew I had to get out of Dodge.
I goofed, and didn’t get any transport ……………….. and that’s that.
I’m on my own now, scampering through the bush.

The T34 that got my HQ was then terminated by an ATG that I was parked beside. Then the ATG was destroyed by another T34.

I had a Stug traveling cross country to get to Dubno (I know, it was a hopeless mission) …………………………… well, it’s all Injun territory now.
The poor Stug was ambushed, it was first rained on with small arms, and then it found itself in a shoot-out with another T34. They traded rounds, then my Stug perished when the Russian finally hit the thing.

Kanonenfutter now has control over most of Dubno, and my men left in the city can’t stop him. I lost a Flammpanzer this turn, took two T34’s to kill it though.

My FO has now taken over command of whatever we have left, I’m heading West, back to Battalion.

My sniper killed that ATR team, finally.

Other than that my side did squat. Losing the AO sorta kinda has that effect I guess.

Did a bit of a count, I spot 16 Russian tanks and only one of those is immobilized. I know that there is more than that out there.
That’s a lot of tanks.

I had a platoon of GE just West of the spot where my HQ was overrun, I was making my way to them, but before I got there I witnessed a whole battery of 152MM shells land right on their heads. That was cruel.

I’m heading for home, I’ll find some friendlies soon.
As long as I can maintain radio contact with the FO, these reports shall continue.

Major Mess ……………………………….. signing out.

Kanonenfutter -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/21/2004 9:47:17 PM)

Russian Turn 20

Lost 2 T34 in the city of Dubno. Engineers assaulted them with with Flam thrower. I was hunting a few Grenadiers. Anyway soon they will be history.
I wanted too much ! I reached the home vhexes.

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/22/2004 12:27:52 PM)

Turn 20

Major Mess reporting:

The events in this sector now appear to be down right depressing. The Soviets are hunting down whatever German resistance they encounter. Tanks are everywhere!!
However, my FO Lt.Musser informed me that there have been two columns of black smoke coming from Dubno, two big explosions amid all the racket going on in that hamlet right now.
Good ............ my engineers have been waiting to join in the combat. I don’t think they’re long for this world, but good on them – two tanks in one turn.

A remarkable amount of my remaining troopers not only were able to rally up, most of ‘em were ready to fight.

There were three T34’s and a KV1 chasing after some FJ’s at the South end of Dubno. They got all jammed up in an intersection in their frenzy to kill the Aryan Airborne. I got my available squads to hammer away at those tanks with their small arms. I wanted those tanks buttoned up.
They gave me four tanks squinting through their visors …………………. I love those guys.
I then wheeled up one of my little flame tanks right up in front of that Soviet traffic jam. Killed a T34 outright, and suppressed the hell out of the other three!! Then my flamer was able to scoot away …………………….. ready to flame another day!!

Then …………………………………………. I unsheathed the barrel of one of my ATG’s covering my last VH’s. Within a 15-degree arc were three T34’s.
I look at my gun team stats – 69 for experience / 69 for morale.

F***, …………………………. Oh well, let’s give it a try anyways, I’ve got nothing left to lose now.

Four shots gave me three dead T34’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was SOOOO happy. I really was.

Sad to say, this has been my best turn in the game. Six tanks destroyed plus assorted Russian infantry squads terminated.

Six tanks destroyed …………………………………….. that sure sounds good. To bad I can only do that once every 20 turns.

Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!!

Going out with a BANG!

End of turn has North Dubno getting pounded by his big tubes and mortars, the South side of Dubno experienced a further barrage of those awful BM13’s.

It just struck me that my gang started to fight better right after the HQ went kaput, what the hell does that mean???

Turn sent to tovarich Kanonenfutter.

Major Mess ………………….. still in the battle ……………………… signing out.

VikingNo2 -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/23/2004 1:16:45 AM)

GOOOOOOO MESS rally the troops

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/23/2004 10:58:07 AM)

Bad news -

Day one of two weeks holidays - I wake up to a flood in the war room. This is what you get living in the Pacific Northwest. Everything has to bug out of the room.................. Thursday, Friday before I can hook up my 'puter and battle again.

I'm at buddies house right now typing this out.

my apologies for the delay.

I'd tell you how the flood happened, but you'd have to promise not to tell the Insurance Co.

Major Mess ............................ splashing around ........................... signing out.

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/25/2004 11:25:49 PM)

Tuesday, May 25th - 1325 Pacific Standard Time

I'm Baaaaack!

Believe me, there is nothing that can stop a determined individual jonesing for a game.
It's amazing what one can acomplish with some duct tape and a hundred feet or so of phone line.
It ain't pretty, but it works.

Turn coming your way soon Kanonenfutter

Major Mess .......................... online again

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (5/29/2004 2:26:24 AM)

Turn #21

The EVIL Major Mess reporting:

The Soviet military operation “Steamroller over Major Mess’s Forces” seems to have been postponed for a turn or two.

The Soviet response this turn was quite muted, considering I took out six of his tanks last turn. (Sorry Kanonenfutter ……………………. I still get a rush when I write that – I promise I won’t say it again). He did manage to take out a couple of my squads; everything that is left is separated now with no support. If he sees ‘em, they find themselves in deep trouble pretty quick. And whatever he sees he attacks with an overwhelming assault.

Except where he “thinks” that killer ATG is parked, his tanks are making themselves scarce around there right now.

I count nine functioning Soviet tanks. There’s more, I know.

The K-man hunted down my Flammpanzer in Dubno, two T34’s stood three hexes away (chickens) and threw everything they had at my little tank. They could hardly even hit it with their MG’s ……………………… NOW the Soviets aim goes bad. I could have used a little bit more of that inept shooting from the Russians earlier in the game.
However ……………………… all was not good from that shoot-out, a little ZIS-30 drilled a 57MM round right through the back end of my flamer …………………….. from about 550 meters!!! I believe that this petite AT platform is guilty of taking out three or four pieces of my equipment over the course of this game.

Other than that the Kanonenfutter is Z-Firing at a lot of places where he thinks I am. It is good Intel to witness an experienced player attack hexes where they think the opposition should be placed.
Either that or I got him so rattled that he’s just shootin’ everything everywhere!

No Russian artillery this turn, it’s not really needed anymore.

We rally up, and continue to battle.

Participated in a couple of small skirmishes in the city, just harassing fire …………………. gotta slow down the movement of his tanks.

A spotter for a PaK38 ATG picked out the shape of a ZIS-30 in the bush South of my VH’s. It turns out that this is the very same machine that has caused me great pain.

Very slowly and carefully the German gun team adjusted the gun’s camouflage. They moved just enough to give the cannon a slot to shoot through. The Officer in charge decided that three rounds would be the maximum allowed. Any more, and the chance of being spotted would become too great.

The first two rounds bracketed that little tractor-gun, the third one creamed it!!

The opening for the gun was then closed up, the camo again fully covering the cannon.

My killer ATG kept quite this turn, hidden away…………………………… waiting.

I bet Kanonenfutter is going to be very careful around my VH’s for the next little while.

No artillery to end the turn, that’s good.

And none of my remaining soldiers retreated this turn ……………………… that’s Great!!!
I’m taking that as a really good sign!!

I think I got him right where I want him!

The turn has been sent to Uncle Joe’s hammer – the Kanonenfutter.

Major Mess ………………………………. signing out.

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (6/13/2004 3:18:56 AM)

Major Mess reporting.

My foe the Kanonenfutter has fallen off of the face of the earth it seems.

I fear not though ............................. I'm convinced that he shall return.

I'll keep slot 9 open to finish this game, at least for a while longer. But at some time I'll have to call it done, so at the end of the month I'll F9 this episode ..................... give out the final score, and move on.

Major Mess

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (7/1/2004 4:48:21 AM)

What was I thinking?

I can't F9, the enemy has the turn.

Anyways ........................................ I give up - you win Mr. K.

(is there any chance this counts as a win by default? ................. even a slight chance?)

Major Mess ...................... back at the ranch, licking my wounds.

Smeghead -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (7/13/2004 2:40:54 AM)

Great report there Major Mess!


Kanonenfutter -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (7/20/2004 4:19:31 AM)

Thank you for the game. I remember the final score was clear. A difference by a few thousand points.

Major_Mess -> RE: Kanonfutter vs Major Mess - Somewhere in Russia 1942 (8/8/2004 1:36:22 AM)

Shameless bump.

Thank you for the game Kanonenfutter (my first PBEM ...............awwwwwww)................................ I had a lot of fun with it, plus I sure learnt a lot.

I'm also dazzled by the amount of hits our AAR received ............. I was amazed when it went over 200, now its at 1200+.


Thanks for reading our story, I Really had a lot of fun writing it down. This has busted open the door on my previously hidden skills (or journeyman-like talents (or just the late night ramblings of a half-pissed middle-aged adolescent)) at writin'. I don't know.

Major Mess

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