Renaud -> Desert Fox (2/28/2004 1:22:53 PM)
Just downloaded the Desert Fox campaign yesterday and had a try tonight (not to my wife's pleasure, but well... it was a priority[8D]). First battle. Very nice - plenty of good armor. I'll crush those tommies like ants. Uh-oh... Wait a minute... Something is missing... Who stole my infantry ??? So he wants me to assault a prepared position with 5 engineers squads or so ? Does he think I'm a British leader or what ? Radio ! Call Rommel and tell him he's a junkie ! Well, orders are orders. Let's be careful with the few infantry I've got... OK, they are out of the halftracks. No reaction. I will crush those tommies like... What's this ? Tomahawks ??? Where are they heading to ? Oh no, not... Boom. I had infantry. Le'ts try again tomorrow night. [sm=Christo_pull_hair.gif] Well done, Bill. You'll always surprise me ! [;)] Renaud