Steel Panther III (Full Version)

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Jasper -> Steel Panther III (9/9/2001 4:04:00 PM)

I know it is not revelant here but somebody ask this question before and I cant find the forum. I have reisntalled my old old old Steel Panther III, just want to have some fun with it, but I cant load it as it is asking for my sound card version and what it stated there was century old version, can anyone assist....I heard somebody can play that with new system Pentium III and a 32 bit sound card but how you do it??? Thank You

ruxius -> (9/9/2001 7:49:00 PM)

you will not like this but my advice is :
throw it away !!
(An ex-owner of the original SP3) Sorry , I can't help you more than this

Alby -> (9/9/2001 11:28:00 PM)

Inside your sp3 folder there is a file called "setsound"
some machines require you set up your sound card to work properly with sp3, spww2 ect ect.
just double click it an follow the prompts.

Tombstone -> (9/10/2001 10:26:00 AM)

I disagree whole heartedly on throwing away Steel Panthers III. I think its best of the lot, (save SPWAW) it will work for sure if you run setsound.exe and set it to run without sound. It's very likely that it will properly run if you set it to generic sound blaster, but no sound is always an option and almost a guaranteed one. Tomo

mscano -> (9/10/2001 10:34:00 AM)

What kind of sound card is it? I play SP3 on a 933mhz PIII with a Sound Blaster LIVE! and it works great. I have to run CPUkiller to slow the game down to make it playable. Try going into the game directory run the program soundset.exe. If you don't find your card, try picking the "sound blaster or compatiable" option. Sometimes cards are compatiable with SB. Hope it works.

Jasper -> (9/11/2001 12:55:00 PM)


Originally posted by mscano:
What kind of sound card is it? I play SP3 on a 933mhz PIII with a Sound Blaster LIVE! and it works great. I have to run CPUkiller to slow the game down to make it playable. Try going into the game directory run the program soundset.exe. If you don't find your card, try picking the "sound blaster or compatiable" option. Sometimes cards are compatiable with SB. Hope it works.
Thanks, that is the problem, I am not using any SB sound card...I bought an acer 933 with their Acer sound card...not compatible with SB though..... A....throwing away SP of any version....never will I do it...I love war game, in fact I still have my original version of Anicent Art of War by Borderbund......

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