Alexandra -> RE: Barge Carrier, Other Transports, HQ vs Inf HQ, campaign buying (3/12/2004 4:16:56 PM)
ORIGINAL: mine_field I was wondering where you get your information from. Is there anywhere that it states formally that the unit loses its effectiveness? In the future I will follow your guidelines. I only question it because these things get started and roll into pseudo-fact. For instance, the idea of moving a unit with its range set to zero affecting the enemy's ability to spot is inaccurate and rolled out of the idea of limiting a unit's op-fire (by setting range to zero) to prevent unneccesary exposure. I can certainly see where you would get the idea from. It makes sense not to take a guy who used to have a flamethrower and then expect him to accurately fire a tank main gun. Is the game mechanic reason for this the leader stats, i.e. it is not wise to make infantry a tank because the leader's stats state he is much better at taking on infantry? (I assume the leader numbers [infantry artillery armor] refer to the ability to attack a unit of that type.) I noticed that for the group it does have a role, i.e. TD Section. I can't see where this is anymore of a label. I have been doing very well so far with my motley group of units, but I would like to know for future campaigns if I should follow your reccommendations to the T for most effectiveness. **** Yes, there are guidelines on this. Each unit has, as you've noted, a command rating for Armor, Infantry, and Artillery. These numbers represent the commander of that unit's knowlege and ability to use each type of weapon. So, if you convert a rifle squad with an Inf 85, Arm 12, to a tank, then until the Sgt of that unit gets his armor rating up that tank will be less effective, as the commander and crew have no idea what they are doing :) ******* Still I must ask the question. Is there any difference between a US HQ unit and a US Inf HQ unit? Does one rally better? I know the cost and radio rarity is different. But an additional 180 build points for +80% for a radio seems unreal. Surely they aren't using a supercomputer radio. ******** I'm assuming that by US HQ you mean the A0 unit, and US Inf HQ you mean a company HQ unit. Yes, there is a huge difference. The A0 is the battalion commander (ie you) and his (or in my case, her :)) staff. The US Inf HQ is a company commander, his RTO, and a few runners. A true HQ unit can help any unit to rally, as long as it's in the command range of the A0, and, can all in arty, even platoon level arty. I'd assume a Co HQ in the A0 slot, would not get that benefit, or, it would be on a lower scale. The only thing you might want to upgrade an A0 into would be a command tank, but, I'd not even reccomend that. ********* Alex