RE: If you were Born before 1985 (Full Version)

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Mr.Frag -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/25/2004 12:42:16 AM)

Thanks for summing it all up, I now know exactly who to blame for my two strokes and three heart attacks. Stupid lead paint in the crib!

Like a Timex, I just keep ticking ...

tiredoftryingnames -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/25/2004 12:57:42 AM)

I found the original post funny. I found some of the serious remarks to it even funnier.

Faceless16 -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (3/27/2004 4:38:11 AM)

I was born in 75 and I know exactly what the original poster is talking about. Its very true. I remember we used to play freeze tag, have apple fights, and dirtball fights. The best games we played were just plain craziness. We had one game we used to play called DeathMatch2000 where the skateboarders would be one team and the guys riding bmx's would be the other team. The guys on skateboards would have branches and all sorts of crude type weapons and try to stick them into the spokes of the bikes and vice versa, just mauling eachother and get up crying and running home, only to laugh about it the next day. I've noticed now that it does seem to be alot more serious now with the young ones. It seems that each generation gets smarter and smarter and just all around grows up faster, which is where the seriousness comes from. True child hood for some just gets skipped over, especially kids where I'm from in the inner cities of the U.S.

The Leprechaun -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (4/3/2004 11:54:44 PM)

I am a young one compared to almost all of you being born in the 80's I didn't have the exp that you have had. But I did not have a t.v till I was 15 and have always shared it with the family. I grew out side catching frogs in the pond and jumping off the bridge into the river for some refreshing swimming when it was hot. I loved my child hood and would love to go back and relive it.

Neilster -> RE: Politically Correct (4/4/2004 7:29:44 PM)

The "good ole days", wernt that good

Maybe, but at least people could use punctuation correctly.

Go too far back and one runs into global conflicts and the rather unpleasant Great Depression. I think being a kid in Australia in the seventies was a pretty good thing.

By the time Ronnie got his finger on the button the Cold War started to look pretty serious. "Why...I...I...just can't remember". He had advisers telling him that nuclear war was all part of God's plan.

Of course the current administration is quite different. Reagan appeared to be a man completely out of his depth, surrounded by a court of dangerous, cynical gamblers with few scruples. Oh...sorry. Not so different after all.

mjk428 -> RE: Politically Correct (4/6/2004 11:01:39 PM)

I see that the "Kerry Sucks" thread was locked up and that's good and proper.

I also see nimrods like Les the Sarge and the one above taking shots in this supposedly lighthearted thread and nothing gets done. How about we stop the cheap shots and put the political talk where it belongs in AOW.

Neilster -> RE: Politically Correct (4/8/2004 6:50:42 AM)

As a new poster I was not aware of the "No politics" rule. I respect that. It was a fairly light-hearted comment. I don't think childish name-calling is necessary or justified.

mjk428 -> RE: Politically Correct (4/8/2004 8:20:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: Neilster

As a new poster I was not aware of the "No politics" rule. I respect that. It was a fairly light-hearted comment. I don't think childish name-calling is necessary or justified.

I should have looked more carefully and noted that you had so few posts. You have my apologies and a belated Welcome to the forum.

Not to justify but only to explain: Just as you found my comments unnecessary & unjustified, I felt similarly about your denigrating someone I consider one of our greatest presidents for no apparent reason while he's slowly dying of a terrible disease. I shouldn't have taken it personal though.

Sarge -> RE: Politically Correct (4/8/2004 8:31:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: Neilster

The "good ole days", wernt that good

Maybe, but at least people could use punctuation correctly.

Go too far back and one runs into global conflicts and the rather unpleasant Great Depression. I think being a kid in Australia in the seventies was a pretty good thing.

By the time Ronnie got his finger on the button the Cold War started to look pretty serious. "Why...I...I...just can't remember". He had advisers telling him that nuclear war was all part of God's plan.

Of course the current administration is quite different. Reagan appeared to be a man completely out of his depth, surrounded by a court of dangerous, cynical gamblers with few scruples. Oh...sorry. Not so different after all.

The point is he didn't push the button [;)] but showed the world that he would [;)]. Lets see..............what state do you think Afica or Asia or Eroupe or even better yet Australia would be in with out America. This is a thread on how things have change from your youth. Not a opening to BASH America. Maybe you can refresh my memory, When was the last time America went to war becuase our shores were about to be occupied by a foreign power but we sure have been in a lot of conflicts . How about the rest of the World how long has it been for them , how about your part of the World. And lets see who got you out of it. One thing is for sure you didn't do it on your own.Im thinking the U.S was right there with ya. Were do you get off on thinking you have any insight on "Ronnie".

Neilster -> RE: Politically Correct (4/8/2004 7:08:51 PM)


The point is he didn't push the button [;)] but showed the world that he would [;)]. Lets see..............what state do you think Afica or Asia or Eroupe or even better yet Australia would be in with out America. This is a thread on how things have change from your youth. Not a opening to BASH America. Maybe you can refresh my memory, When was the last time America went to war becuase our shores were about to be occupied by a foreign power but we sure have been in a lot of conflicts . How about the rest of the World how long has it been for them , how about your part of the World. And lets see who got you out of it. One thing is for sure you didn't do it on your own.Im thinking the U.S was right there with ya. Were do you get off on thinking you have any insight on "Ronnie".

I didn't bash America. Re-read my post. I really like the best of America and Americans.

I'm the first person to recognise the immense effort the US put into the defence of Australia in 1942 and the subsequent defeat of Japan. You were rather late for both World Wars [;)], however, and it's a misconception to suggest that the US was completely altruistic about participating. On both occasions it was in your interest to (unrestricted sub warfare, Zimmermann telegram, Nazis winning being very bad for US, Pearl Harbour etc).

As for my "insight" into Ronnie, it's called an opinion. He did seem like a pretty likeable guy and it's sad about his current poor health.

As your spelling, punctuation and grammar are so appalling it isn't exactly clear what you mean but I hope I've answered the points you've raised.

All the best....Neilster

The Leprechaun -> RE: Politically Correct (4/29/2004 5:21:04 AM)

Ahh the good old days. are still here. people arguing about whoes country sayed whoes when. and al that crap. I rather not argue about because it will never end

Nickel -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (4/29/2004 5:37:52 AM)

Great post David. I was born in 1954 and that is just how I remember it. I would appreciate the link even you send it PM. Life used to be pretty good before we got too many lawyers in this country. I suppose everyone has a right to make a living or be offended by whatever they choose.

Maliki -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (4/29/2004 7:43:10 AM)

You don't know the sheer joy of eating lead filled paint chips[;)]

Knaust -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (4/29/2004 9:31:56 AM)

I was born in 1940...and when I was 5 old, I saw a Sherman in the square of my Italian town...and met the boys of the Hebraic Brigade...but I didn't know that there was WWII...[8|]

BumMcFluff -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (5/3/2004 9:00:42 AM)


ORIGINAL: David Heath

Hi Guys

This was not intended to be serious... it was something I found funny and not in any way to be taken seriously. See I knew I should not have some out of the office. [8|]


I found it funny and more than a little on the mark. Anyone who finds fault in this, or can't see the humour, or just doesn't get it...well they're not really any big loss are they?

pterrok -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (5/3/2004 8:45:47 PM)

In the basement of my childhood house in Detroit, the pipes leading from the furnace were wrapped in plastered asbestos! (There was one section where it was cut out to expose the pipe, so I could see the corrugations and it was exactly like the heating pads you used on bunsen burners in lab class.) Anyway, when we would roller-skate (strap on skates, not in-line!) down there in the summer we would sometimes hit the pipes with a broomstick to make it 'snow'. Sure it was mostly regular dust and plaster dust, but...<g>

Still alive, still kicking, no health problems, same with my four siblings...My brother still owns the house, I wonder if he ever COULD sell it. It's a shame that bad science--blue asbestos, NOT white was the subject of the original study--could be used as a scheme to get rich for, well, you fill in the blank! [;)]

Makoto -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (5/3/2004 11:25:29 PM)

great I missed all of the fun by one year?

pterrok -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (5/4/2004 1:55:46 AM)

You know, nah, it couldn't be, could it?

It seems to me that lawyers in the US were not allowed to advertise--that changed sometime during my childhood--teenage--young adult years. When was that exactly, and is this when the country went litigation crazy? Hmmm...we started getting all the late-night injury ambulance chasers and then the product liability ads...

pasternakski -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (5/4/2004 2:18:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: pterrok

You know, nah, it couldn't be, could it?

It seems to me that lawyers in the US were not allowed to advertise--that changed sometime during my childhood--teenage--young adult years. When was that exactly, and is this when the country went litigation crazy? Hmmm...we started getting all the late-night injury ambulance chasers and then the product liability ads...

Yes, the code of ethics for lawyers once prohibited advertising as being "desultory to the integrity of the calling." Then, some enterprising young attorneys sued the bar association in South Carolina, asserting that this was an unfair restraint of trade. The case was eventually heard by the United States Supreme Court, which held that lawyers, just like other lowlife, ought to be allowed to market their nasty wares "within the constraints of reasonable limitation."

The rest is history. "Have you been injured in a car accident? Do you want to be?" Of course, lawyers have never been generally held in high esteem. Witness the Jarndyce v. Jarndyce element of Dickens's Bleak House, for example.

jzpops -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (5/9/2004 7:13:09 PM)

Born in '68. Shiny metal slides that flash-baked your skin on a sunny 90 degree day. Smallpox shots and the round scar on your arm... my sister, 10 years younger, doesn't have that scar; I don't know whether to be grateful for that now, or paranoid.

I can still remember our first color television... forget the remote, or cable, or a built-in vhs tape player. And Pong! WOW! PONG! And record players... and actually cooking food in an over, having to wait two hours to eat.

My parents were horrified when gas hit $1.00/gallon. Shocked. Appalled.

Brown courderoy pants. Polyester green suits. Platform shoes... for men. 8-track tapes. Rotary-dial phones. BB guns. Penicillin, the wonder drug.

Yeah, we didn't have the internet... but we didn't spend $700 for a computer, and we didn't get "Keep It Up All Night!" and "See Her... and Her... and Him... and a Horse!" emails, either.

Does anyone still whittle, anymore?

<sigh>. Progress isn't necessarily advancement.

Raindog101 -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (5/9/2004 10:43:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: Les_the_Sarge_9_1

I tried talking to a friend a short while back about the Gulf War (first one). I was stunned when he really didn't understand what I was talking about. I told him sheeesh it was on the news man night and day, where the heck were you. Les I was only 6 it wasn't all the interesting to me at the time :)

I had the pleasure on being born the year the world almost ended. 62 Bay of pigs, the big show down. Move your missiles or else.

I remember being a kid, playing and all that. I have tried to limit how much I remember of my middle age years though. The cold war was too cold while I was a part of it.
I did not enjoy the film The Day After. It was so bloody flaky that the society I lived in actually thought they could wage nuclear war and get away with it.

Now Bush wants a stupid missile shield to defend against fairy tale enemies. All he will do is make the rest of the planet scared of the US enough for them to band together to get rid of the US.
Problem is, I am standing next to Bush at the moment.
My only hope is, when the push comes to shove, they use something clean and efficient, so that they don't get me too.

It won't come in a missile attack, that is soo 80s. No it will likely come through the President's email. The world better collectively wake up soon.

The "Bay of pigs" had nothing to do with missiles. It was a CIA sponsered adventure to remove Castro from power.

Plus the fact that it happened in 1961 not 1962 makes me wonder if you even know what year you were born in.

Maybe you're thinking of the "Cuban Missle Crisis" which happened in 1962 and indeed did bring the world to the absolute brink of nuclear combat.

Yes a working missle shield that would hopefully one day render ICBM's obsolete would be a bad thing. [8|]

You're one of those types that would have claimed flight to be impossible, laws of physics will prevent race cars from ever exceeding 150 MPH, and man will never walk on the moon. [8|]

BumMcFluff -> RE: If you were Born before 1975 (11/9/2004 9:05:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: pterrok

In the basement of my childhood house in Detroit, the pipes leading from the furnace were wrapped in plastered asbestos! (There was one section where it was cut out to expose the pipe, so I could see the corrugations and it was exactly like the heating pads you used on bunsen burners in lab class.) Anyway, when we would roller-skate (strap on skates, not in-line!) down there in the summer we would sometimes hit the pipes with a broomstick to make it 'snow'. Sure it was mostly regular dust and plaster dust, but...<g>

Still alive, still kicking, no health problems, same with my four siblings...My brother still owns the house, I wonder if he ever COULD sell it. It's a shame that bad science--blue asbestos, NOT white was the subject of the original study--could be used as a scheme to get rich for, well, you fill in the blank! [;)]


watchtower -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (11/9/2004 8:05:01 PM)

If you were born before 1985 - And you can find nothing more exiting to do than play WitP and other ' stoopid boy war games' - my Girlfriend's often used quote! Then my friends you are not quite making the best of your youthful good looks, clean health and fine white teeth!!

At one time in the murky deep past I would entertain and thrill with my vigour and beauty, every day was a ritual to decadent bacchanalian behavior . Now, alas, I am hollow knee'd, weak eye'd and generally knackered and the only ritual I am bothered with is a nice cup of Earl Grey.

I was born in '64 and 1985 was a good, good year - I got a Dragon 32 computer and played 'Quest' untill.......................Oh dear, Just realised that I was one of those sad 'stoopid boy wargammers'!

Embark -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (11/12/2004 12:49:00 AM)

YUMM Lead Chips!

Jonathan Palfrey -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (11/12/2004 9:28:55 PM)

David, it was a good post and I think most people here have appreciated it.

I was born in 1954 and I remember my grandmother giving us sugar sandwiches as a treat. I shudder now, but it didn't actually kill us, and I still have teeth.

I don't know much about lawyers, but it seems to me they have a professional interest in being offended by anything. Perhaps especially in America...

wodin -> RE: If you were Born before 1985 (11/12/2004 10:59:34 PM)

Born in 1971. Being a wargamer also has led me onto to take an interest in social history. Though the "good old days" might not have been that godd I do despair of the society of today. God knows what its going to be like in a few generations time.
The two major things that have gone are "MANNERS" and "RESPECT".

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