Buzzard45 -> The Buzzard Swoops (3/15/2004 5:49:00 PM)
"Buzzy"? BUZZY? Buzzard, or better Mr. Buzzard45. or maybe Buzz when you get to know me better. Buzzbomb, Buzzard Breath, Crouching Buzzard, crotchity Buzzard, Your Vultureness, King Buzzard. Are all much more suitable than Buzzy[:-] it makes me sound like a barber. What do you say V2, can I give you a Marine Cut? I'll be lowering soneone's ears, alright. h_h_ is a little wet behind the ears but I sense good potential here. He might make a good team-mate at some time in the future. As for what he says up above. I just got lucky that I was in the right place at the right time. Watch your flanks, Holyoak. Someone is in your rear.