skukko -> (10/3/2001 11:16:00 PM)
<<<<<<<<< Will turning CandC off reduce the playability of scenarios that recommend it be turned on? <<<<<<<<<
Well, - If you sometime play scenario made by me, and it is to be played C&C ON, you'll loose experience if you play it C&C Off.
I am not 100% sure, but I think that C&C On affects AIs behavior also. It looks like it does while I've tested this and that. So if you play C&C Off and designer has pointed that it is to be played it On, you'll crush the scenario/camp before it even begins.
Using imagination and keeping C&C Orders/ limits/ rules in mind, designer can tune AIs behavior and simulate reallife events better.
Setting object to enemys back ain't good idea. If you play with late US or Germans it can be changed quite easily despite the fact that you don't have anybody closer than 10 hex of object. By rising Japs morale to 90-100, lowering exp to 60-70, and setting object for them to top of the hill, -japs will overrun players position if they are in he middle. If then played C&C Off, AI can easily change object to something that is easier and less painfull to take.
Facts of these opinions? Don't have any, as I said it looks like it