Seems like it's time to give you guys another pat on the back (Full Version)

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Dave R -> Seems like it's time to give you guys another pat on the back (10/10/2001 1:57:00 AM)

Hi Guys.
Well. A few months ago my old my old P133 finally keeled over and died on me. What with other priorities it took me until last week to finally get a new computer. All the time having to go 'Cold Turkey' without my beloved SPWaW.
Once I got all the whistles and bells sorted out on the new machine, the first thing I did was get my head down and start the three day marathon! OK. I'm still working on a 56k modom. Naw as I'm sitting here, downloading the last couple of patches I need before I start playing again, a though struck me.
All thouse months ago, the guys at Matrix said that the then version 4. something or other was going to be the absulute last, final, never to be revisited version of SPWaW!
But now what do I realise. I've just spent 3 days downloading version 5.1, and am now getting the patches to take me to version 6!
All I can say is...
Gawd! I love you guys!
I'm sat waiting for the last few bits to download then getting the whole thing installed and running, and anticipaiting on what new treats I have in store for me.
So before I get back in to re-fighting WW2. I just want to say to all you guys at Matrix THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!

Drex -> (10/10/2001 2:11:00 AM)

Guess what? We are all waiting for version 7 to show up at any time!

skukko -> (10/10/2001 12:55:00 PM)

... but 7th IS last... mosh

wulfir -> (10/10/2001 5:38:00 PM)


Originally posted by Dave R:
Hi Guys.
Well. A few months ago my old my old P133 finally keeled over and died on me. What with other priorities it took me until last week to finally get a new computer. All the time having to go 'Cold Turkey' without my beloved SPWaW.
Once I got all the whistles and bells sorted out on the new machine, the first thing I did was get my head down and start the three day marathon! OK. I'm still working on a 56k modom. Naw as I'm sitting here, downloading the last couple of patches I need before I start playing again, a though struck me.
All thouse months ago, the guys at Matrix said that the then version 4. something or other was going to be the absulute last, final, never to be revisited version of SPWaW!
But now what do I realise. I've just spent 3 days downloading version 5.1, and am now getting the patches to take me to version 6!
All I can say is...
Gawd! I love you guys!
I'm sat waiting for the last few bits to download then getting the whole thing installed and running, and anticipaiting on what new treats I have in store for me.
So before I get back in to re-fighting WW2. I just want to say to all you guys at Matrix THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!

Patience is a virtue, Dave – but I think that in this case the download can never be fast enough. There is only one thing I really don’t like with SPWaW = the uninstall option. Who needs it and what if you should by some accident click it? The horror, the horror!!!

Dave R -> (10/10/2001 8:03:00 PM)


Originally posted by Wulfir:
Patience is a virtue, Dave – but I think that in this case the download can never be fast enough. There is only one thing I really don’t like with SPWaW = the uninstall option. Who needs it and what if you should by some accident click it? The horror, the horror!!!
Oh! The wait was well worth it Wulfir! I'd forgotten just how much I just love to hate bunkers and well dug in AT-gun!
Though I do have a question for you! What's an uninstall option?

MadKiwi -> (10/10/2001 8:07:00 PM)


Originally posted by Wulfir:
There is only one thing I really don't like with SPWaW = the uninstall option. Who needs it and what if you should by some accident click it? The horror, the horror!!!
Lol, I play all types of games but at least one of the SP series has been on my hard drive at all times. The first one I played was SP2 which I picked up in a budget pack with 10 games soon after I got my first IBM PC about 4 or so years ago. The other 9 games lasted a couple of days or so but SP is still there only in a new version and on a new hard drive

wulfir -> (10/10/2001 10:45:00 PM)


Originally posted by Dave R:
Though I do have a question for you! What's an uninstall option?
Be careful, approach it with extreme caution! I have never used it but I believe the uninstall will sort of uninstall the game. Can anyone imagine a life without Steel Panthers? It would be Horrible! (Must admit I play the other SP games also but there is no question about which one I like best.)

Drex -> (10/11/2001 10:28:00 AM)

I don't think the Uninstall option works. I have never heard of it being used. But the legend says it is there for psychological resons.

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