pax27 -> new to SPWaW, tips on German scen/cmpgn etc (10/19/2001 6:43:00 PM)
Hi fellow wargamers!
I downloaded SPWaW a month ago or so, and boy am I hooked!!!
I´m mostly into playing with German forces, don´t know why, maybe I just like big felines . And now, since I havent bought any Mega Campaigns yet (I will, oh I will!!!) I´d like to put toghether a big ol´ German campaign of my own, using scenarios that came with the game and any good scens out there. So basically I´d like some tips on how to do that (with the editor and what not), wich scenarios to use etc.
I´d also like to know if all (is Lost Victories the third?)Mega Campaigns are fun/good to play with a German force.
Now for the etc part of my post:
I tried to play around with the editor, just to get a feel for it, and I wanted to battle test the huge Maus (funny name for that tiny tank) but I couldn´t get it to be avaliable. I tried setting the date to late 40´s, but this didn´t do it. Wasn´t the Maus availiable (OK, that´s not the word ´couse I think only two were ever produced) from late 44 or early 45?
And now for something intresting that happened when me and a friend sat down to play a big generated German campaign. Before we started (we played togheter, not vs eachother) I checked in on the Stalingrad campaign, just seeing what the gampaign was all about. I checked how many points I´d get for my core force, and then pressed Done to see what the support points would be for the first scenario. Then I ended that, not saving or going to the map, and we started a big generated campaign with 20000 points and the whole nine yards. We palayed the first scen (and won) and then, POFF, we were kicked into what I guess was the second scenario of the Stalingrad campaign (an assault on two bridges) We had chosen USA, the Britts and Spain (for some reason) as opponents in our generated campaign, with 20000 point for our core force , and now we found ourselfs in the Stalingrad campaign with this force!!! And now we´ve played one scenario through and we´re off defending, against Soviet once again, some rivercrossing. Is this the Stalingrad campaign, and why did all this happen, cool or not?
Pax (wich means Peace in latin, I´ve called my self this for 8 years or so, and now it seems so inappropriate )