maniacalmonkey -> Requesting PBEM Training (4/12/2004 11:49:55 AM)
Hello, I've been playing SP:WAW on and off in single-player mode for a while now and am getting slightly bored :D I'd like to get into PBEM but realise that it's a whole different bag of cookies when fighting an opponent that thinks, reacts, and adapts (that is, a human). What I'm asking for is not just someone to smack my troops all over the board, but who will provide me with some constructive criticism when it's over and done with - tell me what I did wrong, what I did right, which positions were good and which were poop. \ I'm currently downloading SP:WAW 8.0 and the 8.1 patch. Should be done in a few hours. Points values and settings at the discretion of the instructor (that means YOU :D). Let me know if you'd like to help a new Lt.Col. earn his stripes. Thanks! -Monkey