Retreat rules question (Full Version)

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HerbMaine -> Retreat rules question (4/13/2004 12:57:21 AM)

I've played quite a few games, but only recently have noticed that sometimes when I attack a hex and get a DR result, the defenders do not retreat even when there is a valid retreat hex for them to go to. Why would this happen?
In a current game of 1st ukrainian front, I attacked the towns of Votylevka, and Krutiye Gorby on turn 2 as the Russians. both were 9-1 odds. On both occassions there was a 100% chance of a second die roll. One of the rolls for both battles was a 6, which means the defender takes a one step loss and retreats, but the "R" part of the result was not hi-lited in green as the "D1" section was. The defending units did not even seem to take an extra step loss.
This also happend in a just completed game of TAO3, in which my opponent attacked my units, they too had a valid retreat route (across a bridge to an empty hex).
Maybe this is a simple rule that I have just over-looked for months, and I'll feel like a fool when someone points out the section in the rules where it is explained, but I just can't find it.\
When do units not retreat even though there is a valid retreat hex? can someone help me please. regards, Herb

Gregor_SSG -> RE: Retreat rules question (4/13/2004 1:05:13 AM)



I've played quite a few games, but only recently have noticed that sometimes when I attack a hex and get a DR result, the defenders do not retreat even when there is a valid retreat hex for them to go to. Why would this happen?
In a current game of 1st ukrainian front, I attacked the towns of Votylevka, and Krutiye Gorby on turn 2 as the Russians. both were 9-1 odds. On both occassions there was a 100% chance of a second die roll. One of the rolls for both battles was a 6, which means the defender takes a one step loss and retreats, but the "R" part of the result was not hi-lited in green as the "D1" section was. The defending units did not even seem to take an extra step loss.
This also happend in a just completed game of TAO3, in which my opponent attacked my units, they too had a valid retreat route (across a bridge to an empty hex).
Maybe this is a simple rule that I have just over-looked for months, and I'll feel like a fool when someone points out the section in the rules where it is explained, but I just can't find it.\
When do units not retreat even though there is a valid retreat hex? can someone help me please. regards, Herb

When you roll two dice, only the 'first' dice roll can cause a Retreat result. You got a result with your 'second' roll which would ordinarily have caused a retreat but doesn't in this case. That's why the 'R' portion of the result wasn't highlighted.

We treated the two rolls differently because otherwise it would have been too easy to get retreat results in high step count combats.


Pawlock -> RE: Retreat rules question (4/13/2004 1:06:09 AM)

Only the first die result can cause a retreat, this is a result of the patch which introduced this rule and can be found in the Patch notes

HerbMaine -> RE: Retreat rules question (4/13/2004 2:00:24 PM)

Thank you guys for the info. as a follow up, can the second die roll cause a step loss? It could be that I'm mistaken on this, but it I think when the "D1" part of the "D1R" was applied, that it didn't even cause the defender to lose a step. Guess I better go back and read the patch notes. anyway, thanks for enlightening me! Herb

Fred98 -> RE: Retreat rules question (4/13/2004 11:40:26 PM)

Yes, both dice rolls can cause a step loss.

If a unit is 3 steps in strength and one produces a "D1" and the other a "D2" - it is possible to kill a unit in one battle. This is a change to the rules.

Under the old rules, a unit could never bee destroyed in one battle. In the example above, if a unit had 3 steps, the most steps he could lose in any one battle was 2.

I prefer the new rule.

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