KG Erwin -> (10/29/2001 8:44:00 PM)
Here is a repost from an earlier thread:"... here is Kampfgruppe Erwin at present, with Command Control OFF but Unit Comm ON: HQ unit, 2 Pz III, three sections of Pz IIs (9 Pz IIs), three Pz III sections (6 Pz IIIs), three Pz IV sections (6 Pz IVs), two SS Mech Platoons, one Wehrmacht Mech Platoon, an Engineer Platoon mounted in halftracks, 3 snipers in Stoewer 40s, a strong recon element with 6 Sdfkz 231/8s, 3 Heavy MC sguads, 3 MMG MC squads, 6 Recon Patrols with 8 halftracks (2 as spares), an FO in a Stoewer, and for extra punch to the Recon element 2 37mm SP Flak and 2 20mm Sp Flak.I also have 3 Kubelwagen MGs for the recon group and 2 Stoewers to collect stray crewmen. I opted for high quality and fast-moving groups, and I usually group these into 3 tank/mech inf groups and 2 recon groups to cover the flanks. The engineer platoon is the reserve element. As far as contemporary Wehrmacht doctrine is concerned, I imagine this was standard procedure, but I really lucked out in getting a higher-quality fast KG than is usually the case with the rarity option on. As a historical note, the Germans had 23 or 24 tank companies at the time, so I took this as not an historical anomaly. For support I generally go for offboard artillery. Composition-wise, this is similar to the Panzerverband Kempf, which in reality didn't see action until the latter stages of the campaign. I find it useful to go ahead and pre-target the closest victory hexes at the beginning, and then adjust fire as necessary. Mind you, I'm still operating in the Polish Campaign, and those guys are definitely tough customers, infantry-wise. I hope to get me some 88s before the French campaign". Royal Warwicks, use the forum search feature for "core force" and you'll find much useful info.