Dave R -> (10/31/2001 5:40:00 AM)
Other points you ned to take into account are things like; If the tank's buttond up, the commander cannot fire the AAMG, unless its remort controlled as with the Hertzer. The co-ax gun as a rule is mounted on the same elevation spindle as the main gun, that is, it uses the same elevation equipment, but their ballistic qualities are different, so if the main gun fires, the coax is usually not laid on target, the gunner has to use a seperate laying scale in his sight for the coax
I'm not 100% sure if these points are taken into account, but as a rule in a real combat situation when a buttoned tank fires it's main gun, you can more or less guarentee that neither the AMG and the co-ax would not shoot, at least not straight away. There would be a delay as the gunner relaid the coax onto the target, perhaps also having to fumble around switching fire control to the coax