Major_Mess -> DxWnd (1/27/2020 10:04:59 PM)
Hi Mike!! Good day to you! Here is a LINK to a about DxWnd. One really nice feature that was brought onboard a few revisions ago was the ability to use OpenGL to handle the graphics. ** ** I'm on real shaky ground here as I can't even pretend to know how or why ........... but from what I can understand OpenGL uses the computer hardware to render the graphics, and that DirectX uses the software, and that DxWnd ports the DirectX commands to the OpenGL thingie, or something. Anyways, that with bi-linear filtering applied does seem to improve the visuals a bit. YMMV. Anyways give 'er a try, lemme know what you think. cheers, and a Happy New Years to y'all. Major Mess Edit already. My reading comprehension is dropping LOL. I should have re-read your post. You would like full-screen soooooooo, I haven't felt the need to do this, but from looking at the Help file you've got a few different ways of skinning this cat. In the Main tab: I would try this first. Generic tab - Run in Window & Fullscreen only clear everything else on that tab. If that didn't do the trick .... Generic - Run in Window Position - Desktop work area Whichever way works for you, I'd then go in to the Video tab and in Windows style click either modal, or thin frame. I can't remember which works better. The Help file will explain all. Good Luck!!!!