Scenarios You Would Like to See (Full Version)

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Redleg -> Scenarios You Would Like to See (11/4/2001 11:42:00 PM)

Next question:
If you know about an interesting battle that hasn't shown up as a scenario, how about posting it here? I can only make so many scenarios but I am sure other designers will be interested in ideas also.

m10bob -> (11/4/2001 11:54:00 PM)

Very major battle in the Normandy campaign and has not been done since Wild Bill took a stab at it back in the days of "SP"..(I say "stab" because the orig SP engine just was not up to the standards nor abilities of SPWAW..)..The battle i refer to is ST. LO...It was a city that HAD to be taken before Patton could set off on operation Cobra....It was all that Caen might have been for the Brits....Defended by crack Fallshirmjager,SS,Wehrmacht,the whole shebang....and thanks for asking...........imho this would also make a great starting point for a Cobra campaign!

Wild Bill -> (11/5/2001 12:12:00 AM)

Allow me to encourage you to support Redleg's efforts. Over the last year, I've seen John hone his scenario design skills to a razor edge. You will like his work. He creates hard, but quite different and very interesting battles. He has not disappointed me yet. I like his work. I know you will too. WB

Gen.Hoepner -> (11/5/2001 12:32:00 AM)

Fpr example tha fallshirmjager assault at corinto's bridge when the brits were retreating from greece.....
or a battle on the Albert channel in '40 or Mainstein's 38 korp advance towards the Seine in early june 40.....something like that......just ideas....^__^

Gen.Hoepner -> (11/5/2001 12:40:00 AM)

or......the battles for the demjansk salient(i wanted to create some scens of that based of Carrell's book Hitler moves east,but never found the time),especially those where took part the 126o or the 290o near Rossino belonging to the 2o Army corps in 17 febb 1943....
or ....well i'll try to figure out something more...just let me think^__^

Fabs -> (11/5/2001 1:18:00 AM)

The taking of Centuripe, in Sicily, by the Irish Brigade of 78th Inf. Div. (Ideal to exploit the new capabilities of Ectizen's mountain-making programs). 78th Division's crossing of the Simeto at Carcaci, Sicily. American assaults around Troina, in Sicily. Streetfighting between Canadian infantry and German Fallshirmjaegers at Ortona, Italy. Several British, Canadian and American river crossings on different Italian fronts. 16th Panzer's counterattacks against the British landing at Termoli. British and American attacks on Monte Camino, just before Cassino. American assault on St. Pietro Infine. British Commandos vs. 12SS panzer Hitlerjugend at Rots, Normandy. British 50th infantry vs. Panzer Lehr around Tilly sur Seulles. Canadian assault on St. Contest against 12SS Panzer Hitlerjugend. American operations in Lorraine and around Metz in Autumn of '44. British assaults in the Reichswald, early 1945. These are just some of the ideas that I would like to develop if I had the time. So far I've only managed one Normandy scenario and the maps for one of the Sicilian scenarios. If a better designer than me with more time wants to have a go at any of these, I've got tons of reserach material available.

RockinHarry -> (11/5/2001 1:42:00 AM)


Originally posted by Fabs:

Streetfighting between Canadian infantry and German Fallshirmjaegers at Ortona, Italy. American operations in Lorraine and around Metz in Autumn of '44. British assaults in the Reichswald, early 1945. These are just some of the ideas that I would like to develop if I had the time. So far I've only managed one Normandy scenario and the maps for one of the Sicilian scenarios. If a better designer than me with more time wants to have a go at any of these, I've got tons of reserach material available.

Still on my to do list Fabs, especially the Reichswald and Veritable battles. I“ll mail you if things are getting hot. Currently I have not more time than for testing other guys scenarios, but that might change the next couple of weeks, once V7 is finally out. I also would like to see more winter battles. Good opportunity to use my winter buildings!
...and snowy mountains made with ectizens mountanizer. _________

RichardTheFirst -> (11/5/2001 1:59:00 AM)

Some of these suggested battles are probably already covered, but I haven't seen all the scenarios texts in detail. Just erase what is already done - Sword Beach - D-Day
- Kursk Tank Battle
- The Abbey of Monte Cassino
- Tobruk
- The charge of the Polish Lancers
- Dunkirk
- The german gliders landing on top of the belgium (dutch?) forts at the Blitzkrieg
- German Airborne operation at Crethe
- Eindhoven bridge as part of the Market Garden operation
- Bastogne at the Battle for the Bulge
- A major scenario with the 101st USA Airborne at D-Day -1 showing how scattered they were.
- a small scenario at Norway with those Commandos that went after the "heavy water" factory with partisan help
- a small scenario to simulate the liberation of Auchwitz or other extermination camp. (sad theme but it should give a very cool map).
- this one is crazy : a POW escape from Colditz (another cool map) Well, just some ideas. Again my appologies if I'm mentioning something already done. "Vini, vidi, vinci" - Iulius Cęsar

Redleg -> (11/5/2001 5:49:00 AM)

Lots of ideas. Some I thought of before and haven't done. Some have been done by others. Some will be done by me. Great ideas. It might be fun to try to make a scenario based on someone else's ideas and preferences rather than my own. I keep wondering how I could make the destruction of the Belgian fortresses work right. The theme for Raiders and Arsenal in December is "What might have, could have been" type battles. I am thinking hard about those right now. Band of Brothers - 6 scenarios based at closely as I could make them on the battles in the TV series will be at the Raiders site soon. Some are pretty difficult, some are pretty hard to win. Tried to make them as close as possible. Quite a challenge. 6 small battles - mostly about 10-15 turns, company-sized. You can replace Lt. Winters and lead Easy as far as Market Garden. He was a hell of a leader and I am sure you will do well.

Redleg -> (11/5/2001 5:52:00 AM)

Winter battles - Raiders theme this month is Parachute operations. Try the "Behind German Lines" scenario based on an actual battle in January, 1942. Lead a brave Soviet paracute battalion as it raids a German railhead and destroys 28 tanks and 2 choo-choo trains. It was about -40 and in heavy snow.

Redleg -> (11/5/2001 5:55:00 AM)

Try the Raiders for a fight between the British Red Devils and FJ near Primosole Bridge. Nasty little night-fight. Russia: Take command of a pzGren company and track down Soviet parachutists who are victimized by a bad jump in 1943. Soviets had a lot of trouble getting it right. ;-) Historically based. Not real large. A lot of Soviets paras and partisans to track down and destroy. Coming soon at the Raiders. Don't miss it.

Gen.Hoepner -> (11/5/2001 6:32:00 AM)

and what about creating some scenarios related on some great divisions or battallions?For ex. something like you ,redleg,did with the 250th spanish that we could have our scenario list divided in the history of different famous divisions...i hope i explained clearly enough.....
Great topic !!!

RichardTheFirst -> (11/5/2001 8:29:00 AM)


Originally posted by Gen.Hoepner:
and what about creating some scenarios related on some great divisions or battallions?For ex. something like you ,redleg,did with the 250th spanish that we could have our scenario list divided in the history of different famous divisions...i hope i explained clearly enough.....
Great topic !!!

I second that motion: some great divisions are very known, like the American Big Red One and the Screaming Eagles from the 101st Airborne, or the German 5th Panzer, etc, etc. I have a book only about the SS Leibestandarte Adolf Hitler (don't know if I writed it well) the personnal guards from the fuhrer. I promise you: they were one of the elite divisions of the war. All with more than 1,80m height. They participated at the blietzkrieg, Jugoslavia, Greece, Russia, Battle for Berlin, etc. Fascinating reading... "Vini, vidi, vinci" - Iulius Cęsar

RichardTheFirst -> (11/5/2001 8:59:00 AM)

One more idea for an hipotetical scenario: American Amphibious Landings in Japan. The Americans had a major plan for this and, until the Atomic Bombs were launched, a lot of people was convinced that this would be true, with a major loss of american lives. The Japanese had already his defense of the beaches organized with civilian participation kamikaze style. I think it is an interesting subject. "Vini, vidi, vinci" - Iulius Cęsar

RolandRahn_MatrixForum -> (11/5/2001 2:21:00 PM)


Originally posted by RichardTheFirst:
One more idea for an hipotetical scenario: American Amphibious Landings in Japan. The Americans had a major plan for this and, until the Atomic Bombs were launched, a lot of people was convinced that this would be true, with a major loss of american lives. The Japanese had already his defense of the beaches organized with civilian participation kamikaze style. I think it is an interesting subject. "Vini, vidi, vinci" - Iulius Cęsar

I'm currently working on a campaign with this topic - however, I was unable to get topographical maps of the areas and it won't be very close to the historical planning (an USMC force taking part in both operations Olympic and Coronet, e.t.c.), so don't expect too much. Kind regards,

dacasals -> (11/5/2001 2:48:00 PM)

Hello What about the Ardenes battles. Is there any done?. May be, is there some done. It will be fantastic to play like Skorzeny with camoufled pathers. I readed a couple of books about the Ardenes, and there are some interesting scenarios that will be great to play. I really can't remember now historic dates and names. I should check the books to be more explicit.

Redleg -> (11/5/2001 2:58:00 PM)

I am very glad I decided to ask you guys rather than sit here in a vacuum guessing. ;-) Skorzeny: The Arsenal will have the destruction of Skorzeny's "Brigade" during the Bulge. They ran into a company of the 99th Norwegian battalion who were trained commandos, too. So it is Norwegian commandos vs. Skorzeny's boys who had 4 Panthers covered with sheet metal and painted to look like Shermans. Otto also had several captured U.S half-tracks. Lots of historic battles soon from the Raiders and from the Arsenal.

Gen.Hoepner -> (11/5/2001 3:25:00 PM)

I think there's something about the Buldge in the scens list...or probably i have DLed from Fabio's site or the Arsenal.....
Yes,i really think that "scenarios-divisions" is a good way to perseverate:Yesterday night,just before going to sleep,i read a very good chapter from Mainstein's Lost Victories,where the Field-marshal talked about the Death's Head SS division in the first stages of Barbarossa,when it was attached to Leeb's group in the north.....good stuff...also remember to have read many other thoings about that division in Carrel's books......

Don Doom -> (11/5/2001 6:06:00 PM)

Morning Redleg.
If I told what I would like to see, I would have to kill you after since they are on my to do list.
Right now I am finishing up a small but nasty battle between a plt of jagdtigers of the sch. panzerjager abt 653 and a US armored combat group.
based on a real battle where the jagdtigers opened up at 3-5km and distroyed the US armored col. without any losses. [ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: Don Doom ]

RichardTheFirst -> (11/5/2001 6:34:00 PM)

Redleg, since you seemed interested in that fortress in Belgium I have a resumed story for you, this was extracted from "Blitzkrieg" - Pierre Dupuis: <
At 4:45 of May 10th, 1940, sinister pairs of metal birds roar in the pure dawn of a new day of spring. Some belgian watchers saw astonished the "Junker 52" separate from the gliders they were dragging. Nine shadows with huge wings made their way silently to the ground, heading for the Albert canal and the Fortress of Eben-Emael, the most impressive fortress of the belgian defense. Inside each of these silent shadows were eight Airborne Sappers armed to the teeth, crouched over hundreds of kilograms of explosives... and these men wear german uniforms. Inside the fortress, in one of the AA posts: "ALARM! PLANES ARE ARRIVING" "IT'S.... GLIDERS! GERMANS! FIRE! FIRE!" Too late... This modern Troy horses had already land on the very roof of the fortress which the belgians had neglect against such a daring strike... Coming out of its bellies, the sappers of Captain Koch, including the pilots, launch themselves running over their objectives... "Posts 3, 4 and 5 - over here!"; "Posts 6, 7 and 8 - follow me!" In ten minutes, nine defense posts of the fortress were out of action... In the barracks, in the towers, defenders died without understanding... For the Germans, on the contrary, there were pleasant surprises. "After all these two AA towers are fakes! They are made of tin!""Let's save the explosives then! We'll use it in another day" The ground attack troops could then cross the canal in their inflatable rafts... The fortress was annihilated from the inside e three bridges were intact in the hands of the german airborne troops. The 750 defenders of Eden-Emael, disarmed, surrendered quickly... except for 23 deaths... only 6 germans were shot down. This fantastic success had also a comic element: The commando assistant-leader, Major Witzig, could not participate in the attack! The cable of his glider broke over Germany... the craft landed on a field. And he had to wait for three hour for a "Junker 52" to come and get him... "SCHWEINEREIN!" he shouted furiously.
> I hope you liked it. If you decide to include this or part of this in the scenario introduction please include my name "Vini, vidi, vinci" - Iulius Cęsar

asgrrr -> (11/5/2001 7:27:00 PM)

I would like to see the 1939 Russo-Japanese battle in manchuria. Not very well known, but incidentally perhaps one of the most important battles of the war in that it saved the life of arguably the greatest general of ww2: Zhukov. He writes in his memoirs that when the Japanese attacked, someone, somewhere, had a warrant for his arrest in his briefcase. After the victory, it seems Stalin wanted him more alive than dead.

Gen.Hoepner -> (11/5/2001 9:05:00 PM)

redleg,there's also a very good description of it
in Lucas'book about fallschirmjager!

Redleg -> (11/6/2001 3:26:00 AM)

Even more feedback and ideas. Belgian fortresses. I may try that. Still trying to deal with "realism". Japan-Russia. A few months ago, I made a scenario on that topic for the Raiders. It was in the Tank vs Tank month. Not a bad scenario, if I may say so. I don't know if it can still be downloaded or not. I may still have a copy of it. If so, it is free for the asking. I think other designers are listening, so keep the ideas flowing, guys. I have enough topics to keep me busy for a good, long while but all of the inputs helped me decide to change some of my own preferences in favor of yours. Operation Mars - Zhukov's greatest defeat has tweaked my interest as well.

Tombstone -> (11/6/2001 5:28:00 AM)

I think there are many Soviet mechanized counterattacks that occurred in the advance on Smolensk in 1941 that could be covered. Tomo

RichardTheFirst -> (11/6/2001 7:28:00 AM)

Just one more idea: One of the less know amphibious landings was the English, Polish, Canadian and French one at Narvik - Norway in 16 April 1940. The French were an expeditionary Corps that was equiped to go to Finland but instead went to Norway. Under the command of General Béthouart, it was composed by Legionaires, Alpine Chasseurs and Poles and manage to give the Germans some fight at Norway. To whom wants to investigate... "Vini, vidi, vinci" - Iulius Cęsar

sebagonzalez -> (11/6/2001 8:55:00 AM)

I am working right now in an hipotetical Campaign based on the "Red Plan", a plan that started in April 1942, when the russians atack the Reich, in order to take advantage of the weak position of the German army that has been fighting since September 1940 in England loosing a lot of material and men. In November 1941 the Germans loose the Beachhead in Dover and are forced to evacuate the island, like the BEF and French in Dunkirk. Then stalin in April 1942 launch it“s atack over the Reich, after been preparing the war industry to full scale since OP. Sea Lion that started on September 1940. Stalin“s wishes of taking Europe were done in 1942 instead of 1943 given the momentum.
The Russians will try to make their way to France, then Britain and the United states join forces with the germans against the RED Menace. The player will be given 3500 points to make its army and be part of Soviet Army Group North. I would like to know what kind of battles and in which citys and locations u want the campaing to take place. The first scenario is a crossing of the Niemen River, in route to Koneigsberg. The first scenario has in action a Company of the Soviet Elite Parachute Batallion "Stalin", helping you taking forward positions on the other side of the river while your army makes its way to link with them. I am working on the explanations of the events that happened and leaded to this RED PLAN, that i briefly expressed above. What u want to see guys is very important to m and will make the campaign better.

troopie -> (11/6/2001 10:30:00 AM)

Battle of the Ebro, 1938, Nationalists vs Republicans. Or for a hypothetical, during their advance on Irun, on the border with France the Nationalists violate French territory. France invades to punish them. troopie

darroch -> (11/6/2001 10:40:00 AM)

Just ideas so far: extend WBW's Victors campaign with subsidiary fights - balkans, persian gulf, scandinavia, manchuria? Anyone ever do Seelowe? The invasion of Malta - series of battles - the Germans were going to use captured KV-2s!!! Invasion of Gibraltar Or, assume Germans won at El ALamein and Stalingrad somehow - Rommel and Manstein in the Middle East and Persian Gulf.... as you can see I have no problem with what-ifs

Tombstone -> (11/6/2001 12:28:00 PM)

DAK in the fertile crescent...! Crazy. Threatening the Caucauses from the south, classic Panzer General. As far as Russia attacks in 42... that could mean scenario building into the next millenium. If the Soviets didn't have a hard enough time busting outta the Kuestrin bridgehead in 45 against a gutted Wehrmacht... I bet that there'd be a huge borderland battle in the north. You'd have to assume that the Soviets learned a lot of practical operational art without having to get the biggest spanking of the century. I think that there'd be massive pockets of German infantry in and around Berlin, and the more rugged terrain of Cz, and Austria. The Soviets would have to slice through the area between Berlin and Dresden and shoot for the Ruhrgebiet... but the flanks would be super scary. There just wasn't enough amphibious bandwidth for the Germans to loose enough infantry on English soil to make Russia's job easy. Thank goodness for T-34's tho, and the Germans would be a bit behind schedule on Panthers and Tigers probably. I've planned a similar kind of Campaign in the far future (for my own schedule) where the Soviet juggernaut realizes an economic battle with the west that could not be won and rolls forward to get more of Germany's tasy industrial real estate... following a similar path. Arg, when I have to work late... ramble ramble ramble... Tomo

K G von Martinez -> (11/6/2001 1:59:00 PM)

Some more ideas: the fightings for Murmansk, the retreat of German mountain troops south of Rovaniemi (German versus Finish) and the attack - and defense - in front of Lemberg in 1939. And last but not least the most famous action of the mountain troops - the cracking of the Metaxas line!

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