barbarrossa -> RE: Who is going to play the game after 43??? (5/4/2004 4:53:55 AM)
ORIGINAL: PzB The most experienced player should play Japan if there's any interest in having a balanced game. As I've stated before, it will be very difficult to motivate oneself to play a game for several real time years if there's no hope. (Posted something about drowning rats in jars with lids on earlier...) Playing the Allied side you KNOW that you only have to survive the initial storm, then all kinds of goodies will flow into your armory and enable you to kick some serious a$$ - no matter how well your esteemed opponent has played. From the other side of the fence, the situation will be the exact opposite one. I bet a lot of usually very determined ppl will find it hard to get through the last few years of the game. So choose your opponent with care... I will only play WitP against persons I know from the forums and previous UV games. Damien, I can't agree with you, the Axis powers could not have won the war. It would take a long and exhausting paragraph to explain that in detail, so I'll go for the short version. After studying the war in Europe for many years, this is very much what I've concluded with; The war would not have started unless Hitler 'happened', but Germany could in reality never hope to win a war started by Hitler and led by Hitler. If you say that 'dumb mistakes from the top' prevented Germany from winning, you should also be aware exactly who made up 'the top'. I'm pretty sure most of you can guess just that; Adolf, Adolf, Hitler, Adolf Hitler, Hitler Adolf & Adolf. Grøfaz (Grøsster Feltherre zu alle Zeiten) was the puppet master and controlled virtually everything of importance in Germany during the war. No single person, no matter how skilled, could fill all the roles Hitler held. If you add that Hitler didn't have anywhere near the necessary skills required to be even CinC of the Whermacht, and was more or less psychotic at times, it would be possible to conclude that Germany could never have won the war as long as he held all the positions he did. The war in the Pacific was a disaster for Japan, only the Army really wanted a war, the Emperor and the Navy opposed it as best they could. Officers that were not blinded by national feelings and divine meaning KNEW that Japan could not win a war against America - Yamamoto included. Here is a quote by Rear Admiral Ugaki Matome, CoS of the Combined Fleet on November 3rd 1941. "Do they come to gaze up / At the fleet in full dress - / This shoal of horse mackerel?" "Am informed that the date for the signing of an agreement with the army has been fixed for somewhere between the eight and the tenth (here refering to the coming attack on Pearl). Everything is OK. Die, die all of you! I will die too, for my country!" Joining ranks with Germany in reality sealed Japans faith. Only 13 months after the attack on Pear, the Allies drafted the 'unconditional surrender' term at Casablanca. Although not a very wise one, it meant that Japan could never hope to successfully negotiate a separate peace with its foes. I can hardly see how any other possible successes achieved by Japan in 1942 would have changed this. If Japan had fought a perfect war, it would still have been hammered into submission by no later than the end of 1946. These are only my personal conclusions, but I can assure you that I've put a lot of thought and consideration into them. Mike, can't you put a lid on those fanboy remarks of yours? They're in the process of being etched into your fingerprints, and soon you'll not be able to type anything without starting a sentence with them [;)] ....and yees, I'm tired of them. [>:] If Hitler had gone to war after the Panther and Tiger had come on line with the rest of the Wermacht intact in numbers such as it was at the time say, 1940 but with upgraded armor and aircraft of the '43 timeframe and hadn't started the war yet, the Japanese quite probably would have strolled into Singapore and Hong Kong[:D]. Provided Brest-Litovsk had been honored by both sides. oh well.......speculation speculation[:D]