First for Me!!! (Full Version)

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2ndACR -> First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 10:46:14 AM)

First time I have ever seen this happen.

Scen 19 playing as Allies

The IJN AI just sent the "death star" into the middle of Noumea, Luganville and bombed the crap out alot of my transports that were loading up to move my Eng units, base force, NZ def Batt to Irau. Stupid me, I had all my PBYs on ASW search and had completely stood down my fighters, SBD, TBD rest and train up for carriers arrival after upgrade in 3 days.

I never expected the AI to try this, human yes, AI no. I cheated and peaked from a save 3 turns back. The IJN had Shokaku, Zukaku, Kaga and 2 CVL.

I guess the AI isn't so dumb after all. Wonder if it would have tried this if my a/c were set to normal?

Badu -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 11:20:45 AM)

This happens too me also.

The AI came in kill 2 big convoys from me in just 2 waves ( maybe one ship survived) and than sail back to his bases. I think i heared a laugh from my cpu after that.

this will never happen again to me.

Now in Feb 43 I still havn´t enough transports and tankers. Hoppfully they will come.

But thats war.



DoomedMantis -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 11:32:13 AM)



I think i heared a laugh from my cpu after that.


barbarrossa -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 2:36:44 PM)

Did you have any carriers underway? Perhaps just training?

It seems to me that whatever side the AI is, anytime I get a CV force underway there's sure going to be an AI force a'comin'.

Playing as the IJN for the first time right now, and the AI pays for this everytime. Heh-heh...

sven6345789 -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 4:55:57 PM)

The AI is pretty good at reacting to your moves. If you leave the field wide open, it will use that possibility (It is cheating a little bit). But the AI sending its CV's to Noumea does come as a surprise to me too. Well, if he comes, i got 6 CV's waiting for him, in addition to a large collection of LBA.

Damien Thorn -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 5:55:38 PM)

Once, and only once, I had the AI bombard Truk. I was amazed because I never saw the AI go so far north (except with subs). I was controlling most of the map too so it was not like it was an easy journey for him.

2ndACR -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 9:09:25 PM)

I had no CV's in theater at the time, Enterprise was 3 days out, hornet 12 days out, Yorktown in Pearl, Lex 2 days from Pearl. That is the thing that shocked me. It was like the IJN AI was doing a recon in force or a tour de force.

Oznoyng -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/3/2004 9:42:40 PM)

Okay, so there I was... The AI had sent the death star into LBA range of Oz and I had all those LBA that had been doing training, ASW, and Naval search missions for the last three months. The Death Star was after a fast Transport force I had sent into PM with supplies for the beleagured troops. I put all my fighters on escort with low cap and sortied my carriers from Noumea. I thought: "I'll catch them just after the LBA and shipping raids have fatigued all the death star pilots."

As the turns progressed, I repeated "I want that 'shoot the commander' pour-encorage-les-outres option button." Not one attack was launched on the Death Star, even though fighters with sufficient range were set to escort the LBA.

Finally, as my CVBG came into range, the Death Star retreated. Well, I said, "I am throwing the dice and hopefully I will get a piece of the carriers. Maybe then the LBA will grow some balls and attack the carriers." My fighters went to esort with a 70 CAP and my SBD's and Torpedo bombers went Naval Attack with 10 percent Search.

I got lucky.

My first attack put 3 bombs each into Kaga, Akagi, and Hiryu. I lost a fair number of attackers, but I had scored some nice hits. My second raid was launched before the Japs were able to launch and I hit the same hex (not same TF?) with another big raid. Kaga and Akagi took a few additional hits, plus I got a piece of Zuikaku and Hiryu. Cool, thinks I. That southern CVBG is gonna kick my ass now. I got some licks in though, so I am happy...

I got luckier.

Some dipshit commanding the southern (closer) Jap carrier group launched a strike on PM. Whoops! :p

My next raid put some dents in the southern flattops. Soryu took several bomb hits and I scratched Shoho. The whole force ran for home. At this point, I had zero hits on my carriers and had done damage to six of the Jap carriers. The only carriers that seem to have escaped any damage were Shokaku and the CVL's.

"He's in the coffin, now I just need to nail it shut." For the next three turns, I chased and battered the retreating Jap carriers. Unfortunately Soryu, Zuikaku and their healthy sisters managed to get inside Jap LBA before I could get many additional hits in. Kaga, Akagi, and Shoho were not so lucky. In the end, I think I put about 20 bombs each into CV Kaga and CV Akagi, CV Hiryu sank from the bombs I had put in intially and I sank CVL Shoho. Of the remaining carriers, Shokaku and Soryu had taken at least minimal damage.

4 carriers sunk, 1 of them a CVL. Damage to another pair of CV's. Zero ship losses. :)

And the LBA never attacked a carrier group.

Obviously, I am happy with the outcome, but what is the deal with LBA not attacking carriers?

DoomedMantis -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/4/2004 3:40:19 AM)

its a problem in UV unfortunately, one that has been fixed in WitP

Damien Thorn -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/4/2004 7:36:04 PM)


4 carriers sunk, 1 of them a CVL. Damage to another pair of CV's. Zero ship losses. :)

Wow, that is the first time I've heard of someone beating the "DeathStar" CV group. Maybe there's hope of beating the Allied Deathstars in 44-45 in WitP.

marky -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/7/2004 6:11:11 AM)



Okay, so there I was... The AI had sent the death star into LBA range of Oz and I had all those LBA that had been doing training, ASW, and Naval search missions for the last three months. The Death Star was after a fast Transport force I had sent into PM with supplies for the beleagured troops. I put all my fighters on escort with low cap and sortied my carriers from Noumea. I thought: "I'll catch them just after the LBA and shipping raids have fatigued all the death star pilots."

As the turns progressed, I repeated "I want that 'shoot the commander' pour-encorage-les-outres option button." Not one attack was launched on the Death Star, even though fighters with sufficient range were set to escort the LBA.

Finally, as my CVBG came into range, the Death Star retreated. Well, I said, "I am throwing the dice and hopefully I will get a piece of the carriers. Maybe then the LBA will grow some balls and attack the carriers." My fighters went to esort with a 70 CAP and my SBD's and Torpedo bombers went Naval Attack with 10 percent Search.

I got lucky.

My first attack put 3 bombs each into Kaga, Akagi, and Hiryu. I lost a fair number of attackers, but I had scored some nice hits. My second raid was launched before the Japs were able to launch and I hit the same hex (not same TF?) with another big raid. Kaga and Akagi took a few additional hits, plus I got a piece of Zuikaku and Hiryu. Cool, thinks I. That southern CVBG is gonna kick my ass now. I got some licks in though, so I am happy...

I got luckier.

Some dipshit commanding the southern (closer) Jap carrier group launched a strike on PM. Whoops! :p

My next raid put some dents in the southern flattops. Soryu took several bomb hits and I scratched Shoho. The whole force ran for home. At this point, I had zero hits on my carriers and had done damage to six of the Jap carriers. The only carriers that seem to have escaped any damage were Shokaku and the CVL's.

"He's in the coffin, now I just need to nail it shut." For the next three turns, I chased and battered the retreating Jap carriers. Unfortunately Soryu, Zuikaku and their healthy sisters managed to get inside Jap LBA before I could get many additional hits in. Kaga, Akagi, and Shoho were not so lucky. In the end, I think I put about 20 bombs each into CV Kaga and CV Akagi, CV Hiryu sank from the bombs I had put in intially and I sank CVL Shoho. Of the remaining carriers, Shokaku and Soryu had taken at least minimal damage.

4 carriers sunk, 1 of them a CVL. Damage to another pair of CV's. Zero ship losses. :)

And the LBA never attacked a carrier group.

Obviously, I am happy with the outcome, but what is the deal with LBA not attacking carriers?

[&o][&o]WOW [&o][&o]

NICE job

Oz pulled a Midway................


[&o][&o]all hail Oz, all hail Oz[&o][&o]

Oznoyng -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/7/2004 6:40:18 AM)

Well, I'd like to say it was skill, but I would be lying. I have just concluded that the AI is simply being very braindead this game.

I had my 6 CV TF headed to Noumea. All 6 had been steaming almost continuously for the first 5 months of the war and I was almost to 20 System damage on several with no bomb or torpedo hits at all. As the CV's headed towards Noumea to get rotated to Pearl/rested, up pops a IJN CV TF. 2 CV and a CVL according to scout reports...

Sigh. Sorry guys, yer gonna get a little more tired. I popped into Noumea, fueled up, and turned the TF around. I didn't catch the TF before it went back into LBA, so I headed back to Noumea again with the intention of rotating back to PH in preparation for offensives in late December and January. For whatever reason, I kept the carriers in Noumea for a few days, and low and behold, the IJN taunts me again... I sent all 6 carriers out to intercept again.

I get to GG with my air groups set to Naval attack and I squash lots of merchant shipping, but no carrier TF. I check GG base and discover that the AI has brilliantly decided to dock the carriers (as it turns out, 2 CVL-Zuiho & Ryujo and a CV-Jiyo). Okay, if yer gonna sit em still says I...

All LBA in Oz is set to Port Attack on GG. SBD's are set on Port Attack with TBD's set to Naval Attack with Port as secondary.


I have confirmed sunk on Ryujo atm and expect to get confirms on the other two as they all took perhaps 15-20 bomb hits and a handful of torpedo hits apiece over several days of airstrikes off my carriers and the LBA. Still not a single hit on my carriers. I am up to 5 confirmed sinkings and 2 probables with no hits yet on my CV's.

Millsprings1862 -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/8/2004 4:49:52 PM)

Hey 2nd ACR,

I served with HHT 2/2 ACR from Dec 90- April 91.....When and where for you ?

2ndACR -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/8/2004 7:20:09 PM)


Eagle 2/2 Oct 90 - 91 or until we left Bamberg. Can not remember exact dates.
I remember deploying to Saudi on 4 Dec 90 my B-day. Spent the entire day on the plane.

"Toujours Pret"

Millsprings1862 -> RE: First for Me!!! (5/9/2004 3:11:32 AM)

Small you remember some Infantry types hanging out with Eagle? I was one of them....came over from 4th Inf Regiment....I ate Christmas dinner with Eagle. Capt. McMasters was a good officer....I remember Eagle Troop was very friendly to me....I was in the first Hemmit at 73 Easting that came in behind your troop to resupply Ghost....That was one hell of a night....almost got killed that day.....That dumb ass us lost and ended up out in front of the sqd....had us 11B's escorting the Combat might has seem us through your optics that day.....that was before your afternoon engagement...what a day

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