schmoe -> Secondary Weapon Fire - NOT! (5/27/2000 3:01:00 AM)
I like this game a lot, but I am getting REALLY TIRED of watching my ATG crews fire their personal weapons at an enemy tank. PLEASE let us turn this off! Consider this:
1. It takes TWICE as long to resolve opportunity fire during enemy turn. You don't get a chance to hit the "c" key.
2. One of the biggest problems in WWII combat was getting soldiers to fire their personal weapon at the enemy. With all the machinegun fire & artillery going off, it just didn't seem worth it to a lot of soldiers. Firing at an armored vehicle was almost out of the question. You might attract it's attention!
3. Crew served weapons have a certain size crew for a reason! When the weapon is being fired, everyone needs to be doing their job. There isn't time to take potshots with your rifle. It should be either/or proposition.
4. The coax mg is fired by the gunner. He can't fire the coax and the main gun at the same time. They normally require different amounts of elevation to hit the target, and it just isn't done. He uses whichever one the commander tells him to. That's why we have TC commands like "Gunner, Sabot, Tank!", or "Gunner, COAX, troops!".