I desperately need help (Full Version)

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Stukadawg -> I desperately need help (11/19/2001 1:06:00 AM)

Hi Everyone,
I have a problem that's more hardware related than software related but I'm hoping this sounds familiar to you. Before I start a game I shut down all programs with CTRL-ALT-DEL. I leave only Explorer, systray, and a small program that runs my Strategic Commander (its like a big, left handed mouse if you haven't seen it). There's a program I foolishly downloaded and installed called SVA Player, I thought it was a new kind of movie player but what it really does is fart advertisements on your screen. I tried uninstalling it through Control Panel but it won't uninstall. These ad-farts (please pardon the phrase but I'm trying not to get down about it), will interrupt any program that's running like a commercial interruption on TV (like hitting ALT-TAB). When this happens I quickly close the ad then hit CTRL-ALT-DEL to see what's running; and there it is: SVA Player.
Now here's the problem, and I really, deeply appreciate your patience, I was playing SPWAW on a new monitor I just purchased last week. Its a 19" MAG 986FS with a little effects button. Pushing the button cycles through three effects: Warm, Vivid, and Zoom. I played SP with the monitor set to Zoom for about four or five minutes when SVA Player interrupted my game to show me an ad. I run my desktop at 1152X864 and have my vid-card (PNY Verto AGP 64Megs) refresh rate set at Optimal (default Windows ME setting). As I said, I shut down both the ad and the SVA Player and went back to SP by clicking on the task bar along the bottom of my desktop. The image was all warped like somebody messed with all the controls. In fact, even the desktop looks like that in 800X600. Everything else works fine, every other resolution looks great, but 800X600, SPWAW's resolution, is all messed up.
Now you can see why I'm getting a little jittery. I tried htting the reset command on the monitor but it says, "Cannot Reset." If this sounds familiar to anyone or if you have any ideas, then please offer me any advise you can.
Thank You,

Warrior -> (11/19/2001 2:22:00 AM)

The Ad Farter is obviously screwing things up. You need to get it out of your registry, then manually delete all other traces. There's a good, free, registry cleaner program called RegCleaner available at www.jv16.org After running it, run your system file checker and scan disk to make sure nothing got lost or corrupted by using the Ad Farter. Incidentally, I have a nice little program called End It All which will safely close down all except essential programs without having to Cntl-Alt-Del for each. I got it free from ZDNet, but can't find it there now. I use it all the time. If you want it, drop me an email and I'll send it along. [ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: Warrior ]

Alby -> (11/19/2001 2:45:00 AM)

You can try this BUT be careful
hit start/run then type in "regedit"
you see alot of folders, look for the one that is called "HKEY LOCAL MACHINE".
under that one there will be one called "software"
Find the folder that applies to the software you wish to rid yourself of and delete it.
BUT make damn sure its the right one!!!

SoleSurvivor -> (11/19/2001 3:26:00 AM)

If you're unsure, ask someone you trust. A ****ed up registry is nothing you can live with.

Nikademus -> (11/19/2001 4:39:00 AM)

another possible way you might be able to do it without messing with the registry is by going into system information With 98 at least there was a tool (located under the tools menu) for the startup section that lists all the programs that are set to start running during boot up. By unclicking the one by SVA player it will prevent it from loading up. Only problem is that i dont know if WinME has the tool. Win2k and XP dont and you have to either modify the registry or go into the documents and settings portion for your user file

Stukadawg -> (11/19/2001 4:43:00 AM)

I know I can trust the folks here.
Here's the proof:
IT WORKED!!!! The Registry Cleaner got rid of the ad-farter and a few other entries I thought were long gone. I'm paranoid about messing with the registry but this program does it all. As for the messed up display on the monitor, I switched refresh rates until it looked more and more normal. Thanks for your help and thanks for the advice Sole Survivor, thats a place where I'll certainly proceed with caution. A million thanks and many more. Gratefully,

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