AmmoSgt -> (12/2/2001 2:31:00 PM)
OK strange bird here .. technically a "Gun" cannot fire in the upper register ( ie above 45 degrees )and has only one strenght powder charge for it's round. A Howitzer can fire in the upper register and has mulitple strenght powder charges for a given type of ammo . A Gun/Howitzer cannot fire in the upper register but has multiple charges for each type of ammo ( usually fewer choices than a pure Howitzer) AA Guns like German 88mm, US 90mm, Russian 85mm can fire in the upper register but lack multiple charges for each ammo type. Most incoming german fire was atributed to 88mm by Allied troops regardless of the actual caliber firing. Indirect fire is not that much different from direct fire , except that you have to clear the height of any intervening terrain .. if you have an accurate range and azumith, and know the ballistics of the round and can fire in the upper register so you clear tall objects , especially near the firing gun and the target can be done. In WW1 indirect fire sights were made, issued and used for such guns as Vickers .303 HMG's and Maxim 7.92 HMGs .. they would fire indirect into enemy trenches. The only questions that remain are, did the Germans have firing tables that allowed for upper register fires against ground targets .. or does the terrain allow for lower register fires against unseen targets .. How high a shell goes before it comes down .. so long as it clears the terrain is not relevant per se ... US 175mm Guns firing at long range usually had to co-ordinate airspace with comercial airliners flying at 30,000 feet. The New US SP 155mm the Crusader can alegedly fire 6 to 8 rounds all at slightly different angles and with slightly different charges so that the last shell in a burst of , say 6 , will be going fast enough and/or on a shorter trajectory to land with the first shell , and the other 4 shells for that matter, at the same time on the same target , thereby allowing a single gun to do a solo TOT shoot ...thats pretty amazing stuff requiring a very fast computer
[ December 02, 2001: Message edited by: AmmoSgt ]