asgrrr -> (12/10/2001 8:28:00 AM)
Attacking Tigers with T-34s is one of my favorite challenges. Assuming this is pre-85mm days, I would take at least 2 platoons, or in any case the better part of a company. The mobility of the T-34 allows infinite outflanking. Establish two fire points against the target, where you have a T-34 with shots left. If the Tiger returns fire at one, respond with the other. This way, at least he doesn´t get improved accuracy. When the target has run out of regular shots, and preferably taken a few hits, close with a T-34 against the side or rear. This should be a tank with some APCR ammo, or better yet, an OT-34. They can stand at 2 hex range and have a pretty good chance of a hit with the flame thing, and the angle means nothing. Usually I buy a platoon of OTs for each regular T-34 company. Of course, during all these maneuvers and firings, you may lose a tank now and again. Then you just bring up the next one. If you lose less than 3, consider it a success. It is about the same point worth, but the Tigers have rarity Of course, with infantry or artillery support it gets much easier. Then a platoon of T-34s will do.