SP:WaW Thread Hall of Fame (Full Version)

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Paul Vebber -> SP:WaW Thread Hall of Fame (12/6/2001 1:16:00 AM)

I have created a new forum for those threads folks think need to be singled out from among the thousands for easy reference and continued contribution. If a thread is "Bummped" with nomination and receives 2 seconds it will be considered for transfer.

Larry Holt -> (12/6/2001 2:13:00 AM)

Great idea. I know that there is much clarification as to game mechanics, OOB decisions, etc. that should go into a FAQ. I tried to put some of this into my Tactics Guide but a living FAQ type thread that is online searchable is better. By the way, can I bump (as opposed to bummp) threads? By the way too, I will be out of town 9 - 21 Dec. Great job related trip but no forums I think.

BjörnR -> (12/6/2001 3:31:00 AM)

I don´t know if I understand the details (what is bummped),but it sounds interesting and would make it easier to find old topics that are still relevant and make it unnecessary to start a new thread on an old topic just because it is difficult to find.

Warrior -> (12/6/2001 3:38:00 AM)

Excellent idea.

AmmoSgt -> (12/6/2001 3:51:00 AM)

Need to get WB's how to make a scenario series on that for sure

Mikimoto -> (12/6/2001 4:01:00 AM)


Originally posted by AmmoSgt:
Need to get WB's how to make a scenario series on that for sure

I fully agree with you, AmmoSgt (for once).
Paul, please, can this reply count as a generic bump for all of WBW Scenario design 101 series? Thanks in advance.

Tommy -> (12/6/2001 4:03:00 AM)

Aww, Paul When you said "Thread Hall of Fame" I thought you meant entry by sheer number of reply posts. I was going to nominate that Donkey AAA thread by, ... ummm ... who was it? Tommy

Don Doom -> (12/6/2001 4:13:00 AM)

Ok, I bummped Will Bills scen class can I get someone to seconded it. Thanks

ruxius -> (12/6/2001 6:01:00 AM)

Paul's long eye strikes again !
There was really a need as new topics bring people to a of short-memory sickness

Paul Vebber -> (12/6/2001 6:56:00 AM)

Heck I guess i just shoulda named it Great Grand Pappy Wild Bill's Hall of Fame!!!

Don Doom -> (12/6/2001 7:36:00 AM)

Can I make a suggestion of after moving thread to other forum, deleting off of the spwaw & megacampaign forum so it does not look cluttered.

waynef -> (12/6/2001 9:57:00 AM)

Bump = 1

Belisarius -> (12/7/2001 2:17:00 AM)

..a.k.a. "how to make the best forum even better" Excellent, Paul!
I've been searching a lot for those threads!

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