Synjin -> RE: Our Ages..... (6/8/2004 1:40:44 AM)
31 on July 1st... Started playing Avalon/Hill board games like Squad Leader, Panzer Blitz, Western Front, et. al when I was like 11 or so against my Dad... who would beat me badly each and every battle until I got to be about 16 or so and was able to strategize better against him. First computer war game was Squad Assault by SSI on the Apple II when I was about 10 (I think). Used to play a lot of the SSI Civil War games on the computer like Antietam, Gettysburg, Chicamauga, etc etc. when he got his DOS-based machine. I've been trying to get him to play UV with me, but he claims he's "overwhelmed" with all the micro-management and has yet to get passed simply installing it on his machine. [8|] No way I see him trying WitP [:D]