Don Eddins -> (12/20/2001 1:30:00 AM)
There seems to be a discrepancy between the number of people who have had a problem with the cost of postage for games being sent to players outside the US, and those who are looking for alternate arrangements. I, too, made an offer to assume the cost of snail mail to forward Matrix purchases to gamers outside the US. I expected to be inundated with takers. But so far, only 7 have signed on. However, between those 7, and myself, we've ordered 18 items from Matrix. A help for Matrix, but I had hoped to do more.
Any of you out there who have enjoyed the pleasure, excitement, and challenge, of playing any of the offerings from Matrix, I urge you to support them. Help make sure they'll be around in the future to give you bigger and better gaming experiences.
If you're having a hard time coping with the cost of mailing direct from Matrix, sign up for the bulk purchases being organized in Germany. There's one working in Spain, too, I understand. Or contact Larry Holt or me. We're just trying to give Matrix the support they've more than earned from us.