OT; An Old Issue of the General (Full Version)

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BarkhornXX -> OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/9/2004 6:08:23 PM)

I was in my closet tonight and I just happened to flip through a magazine stack and I found a 1982 issue of The General magazine by Avalon Hill (in case you don't know) featuring the boardgame "Flat Top". I said to myself - how appropriate - and off to the can I went!

Besides the 2 articles on Flat Top there is one on English carriers in the Solomons - hypothetical I think - and a very detailed tactical article on the best way to sink carriers in "Midway" (my first wargame - sniff!)

The cover is by Roger MacGowan (a guy who could make nothing much look really cool) and all in all it was a nice trip down memory lane.

FYI, I have about 50 General magazines and ALL of the pre-2002 ASL Annuals. The oldest General issue I have is from 1977 and has the original full page ad (four color, yea!) for Squad Leader.

Oh well, back to waiting for UV to arrive.


jhdeerslayer -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/9/2004 6:10:48 PM)

I had piles of those which I since have parted with. I liked the extra ASL scenario's they put in there from time to time. Remember the game strategy contests? This is one hobby that certainly has changed over the years.

Pascal_slith -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/9/2004 6:40:21 PM)

I've bought quite a few to complete my collection through Ebay. Great place to find them.

Feinder -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/9/2004 9:22:54 PM)

I never did have a sub to "The General". Always wanted one, but my brother and I were in middle-school in the early 80s, and it was too expensive.

My brother and I had both Midway and Flattop tho. Actually, I know he -still- has Flat-top (altho it's not the orginal). And I've still got the great-grand-daddy of all Pacific games, "Pacific War". I pulled that one out just the other day also (*grin*). Gawd, I forgot how many billions of counters that thing has.

When we were kids, we'd set those things up on the floor (too big for the table, and Mom would never let us take up the table anyways), and would play a week; until the Mom's cat would walk across the thing and mess everything up.


Platoonist -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/10/2004 4:24:38 AM)

Hee...hee. I can relate to that. There I was preparing for the final push on the Home Islands.....and boom. Catzilla comes to Nippon's defense. [:D] Game over man...


Temple -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/10/2004 5:47:37 AM)

My wife still shakes her head when she sees my bookshelves full of old magazines, including The General (my first issue is Vol 5, Num 3, Sept-Oct 1968) and all the issues of Moves except #49, which still irritates me since I KNOW I have it somewhere [;)]

Sadly, my whole collection of board games had to go, filling our mini-van on it's way to a collector. Lots of old AH, SPI, Yaquinto, Battlefront... sheesh, makes me depressed thinking about it...

Then I look at my shelves full of computer games and figure, heck, I'm doing OK [:)]

Brady -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/10/2004 5:59:30 AM)

I have several issues of the General, myslef, I bought hem for the extra ASL scenarious to[:)]

Matt Erickson -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/10/2004 12:54:16 PM)

those asl scenarios were great,one I'd really like to get my hands on was a scenario in dec 41 one of the first scenarios with the cross of iron add-on an it was a very small scenario counter wise anybody remember that one?...clue me in I still got my asl gear.

Platoonist -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/10/2004 3:17:57 PM)

Matt---would it have been this one? Click on the link.


crsutton -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/10/2004 6:16:58 PM)

I am willing to bet Gary was a big Flattop fan.

ASL is the only board game I play anymore. More for social reasons. It is still a great game but I just hate putting all the pieces away. Anybody here go to Octoberfest?

ColFrost -> RE: OT; An Old Issue of the General (6/11/2004 5:20:32 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

I am willing to bet Gary was a big Flattop fan.

But not the biggest. I bought two versions of the game, so that there could be truly blind ship locations. Now I have to find someone to play it with.

It shall always be my first love.[:)]

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