Larry Smith -> Wimpy computer purchasing (12/17/2001 7:14:00 AM)
I have noticed that on occassion, the computer purchases considerably less than it should. I have a force that it now, with upgraded, nearing the 10k mark {I have 2 companies of armour, one of infantry, one battery each of SPH, SPMtr, SPG, SPATG}-so, its big. Usually, the computer's force screen {during the end report}, is at least four pages long. Sometimes, however, it buys a mere company sized force to hit my {much} reinforced battalion. Even the computer should know that the attack to defense ratio has to be 3-1 for success. And the Germans were more proficient throughout than their enemies were, skewing the ratio in their favour {less-so towards the end}. I have the purchase points set to XXX, thinking that the computer would match me. Recently, I did the British purchase myself, and for an assault, they had 60k+ to use! I also noted that, after the batte, my saved-up points for upgrades {at 80k+} was now only 4k+! I think the computer used my points to purchase. Wierd! Any thoughts on this, or should I just stop putting egg-nog in my coffee in place of creamer.