ravinhood -> RE: Civil War games for PC? (6/17/2004 7:47:27 AM)
I still have my old Gettysburg and Antietam (and Chicamauga and Shiloh!) games from SSI, but they don't work on XP. Well yes they do to an extent, all you need is a little utility called DOSBOX, I play those above SSI games on my system with WinXp installed. DOSBOX sets everything up for you, all you have to do is just setup dosbox when you play those games. The graphics aren't as crisp as they were on the commodore 64, but, all of them are still playable. Heh and if you don't setup a time delay very high, you can play out the full battle of any of those games if you let the AI play both sides within 2 to 5 minutes on a high end system. You will notice on a high end system, the AI moves very fast and the combat results are very fast, so all your games end up being very fast as well, it all depends on how slow you yourself play. ;) Oh and in the future Creative Assembly is going to do the American Civil War with their total war engine, so there will finally be an operational/strategic game and then a tactical battle in real time. Now if someone would just do one with an operational/strategic and a tactical turn based game, that's the one I would buy most.