Petition for Les (Full Version)

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BulletMagnet -> Petition for Les (6/19/2004 5:33:58 AM)

This problem will be handled, I have been informed and as such no petition is no longer needed. Lets play nicely.

Muzrub -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 5:48:14 AM)

Bring Les back by all means.....

I dont think Vic should get banned though.
Thats a bit rough.

But maybe its time to put the guns down? AOW has now gone, we all understand it wont be coming back.
I think now its time to rebuild the community again and not continue to fragment it. So lets all start again?
Allow Les to come back and lets move on the dark days are over.

mjk428 -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 5:50:10 AM)

I just don't see how a forum could allow a member to go off on a mod like that and get away with it. I also don't think LOS or how much you contribute matters. It's OK for some to attack mods but not others? Would make for an interesting forum. You do what he did you best expect to pay the piper.

BTW, nobody was called a troll. He was told to quit trolling. If you get pulled over by a cop for speeding, no matter how unfairly, that doesn't give you the right to go ballistic on him. If you do, you should expect to get handcuffed.

I've seen several people banned at Matrix. Some were people I liked and respected. All of them earned their banning.

Put me down as a "Nay".

edit -

I'm assuming it's a 2 week suspension not a permanent ban. I don't think anybody should be perma-banned for what they say in the heat of battle.

David Heath -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 6:47:23 AM)

Hello Everyone

I have reopended the thread and unbanned Les. I feel Les comment was not called for and Vic was a little to fast on the trigger. Guys neither side helped how this worked out so I felt I needed to step in make some adjustments. I ask that everyone please try to handle things with a little more calm. I think everyone has gotten a little short from the AOW days and I like to take us back to a more relexed forum. Also please before replying to something that is a making you upset step back and wait a few minutes before posting. Your points will be no less vaild a few minutes later but how you word the response can be. I ask that no takes my action here tonight as an opening to attack our mods or anyone on this forum .

There is a style and change going on and it requires everyone help to make it happen.


ravinhood -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 7:23:14 AM)

Thank you David, glad to hear about Les and the changes. YAY for LES. ;)

Didz -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 12:04:06 PM)

As someone who is quite new to this forum I have no idea what that was all about. But it was quite clear there was past history involved somewhere.

However, I was dissappointed that the thread was closed as the debate was still ongoing and had nothing to do with the Les and Vic skirmish.

Glad to see David has done the sensible thing and agree with his analysis, Les was out of order but Vic was a bit trigger happy.

marky -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 12:30:19 PM)



As someone who is quite new to this forum I have no idea what that was all about. But it was quite clear there was past history involved somewhere.

However, I was dissappointed that the thread was closed as the debate was still ongoing and had nothing to do with the Les and Vic skirmish.

Glad to see David has done the sensible thing and agree with his analysis, Les was out of order but Vic was a bit trigger happy.

same here

wat happened?

Marc von Martial -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 1:05:24 PM)

You can all move on, itīs settled.

CCB -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 6:49:59 PM)


AOW has now gone, we all understand it wont be coming back.

Are there safeguards in effect to prevent certain users from turning the General Discussion forum into another AoW forum?

.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 7:10:10 PM)




AOW has now gone, we all understand it wont be coming back.

Are there safeguards in effect to prevent certain users from turning the General Discussion forum into another AoW forum?

Well comrade who has injected politics into the forum?

I am elvis chumley and you are well I'd say liberace-popular-but with a different crowd.

.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 7:12:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: mjk428

I just don't see how a forum could allow a member to go off on a mod like that and get away with it. I also don't think LOS or how much you contribute matters. It's OK for some to attack mods but not others? Would make for an interesting forum. You do what he did you best expect to pay the piper.

BTW, nobody was called a troll. He was told to quit trolling. If you get pulled over by a cop for speeding, no matter how unfairly, that doesn't give you the right to go ballistic on him. If you do, you should expect to get handcuffed.

I've seen several people banned at Matrix. Some were people I liked and respected. All of them earned their banning.

Put me down as a "Nay".

edit -

I'm assuming it's a 2 week suspension not a permanent ban. I don't think anybody should be perma-banned for what they say in the heat of battle.

Yeah that's kind of my whole vibe, but it is David's playground. All grognards are equal, but some Grogs are more equal than others....

riverbravo -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 8:51:29 PM)


ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck

You can all move on, itīs settled.

Im sorry Marc but this is

Had Les felt he was wrongly punished or wrongly warned then calling a mod a 'gonad' is not the way to go about it.,,,eh

How about tomanbeg?....He called a mod a pu**y.He got the axe.Will he get to come back?,,eh

Are all the past people who have been banned going to be reinstated?

Since the 'new way' here at matrix I have not made one post that has to do with anything political and have mad a point to stay clear of any topic I feel would lead to a ugly

On top of it he has the nerve to say Vic ruined the NAMB forum at WG.Who went on a delete spree when given an inkling of

This guy is so caught up in being the guru of wargames that he thinks he has the knowlege to dictate what should go in a wargame and what shouldnt.everyone is entitled to to have an opinion

On top of it he insults people in a roundabout way thinking his pathetic comments arent picked up by us "lesser'

Take a close look at the "is wargaming killing itself thread"..Look how he chases his tail in circles.One second wargames are dieing the next he will breath life into the genre by himself if only the devs would listen to him so he can run his games on his stone age

After Les got his first warning he claimed he wouldnt be back.What happened,He puts up a thread saying goodbye and lurks it to no end waiting for people to beg him to stay.Pathetic.Not to mention his 30 or so posts right after his self imposed exile....even more

Then he goes to the SP forum and claims he has a 'gunfighters' syndrome.Everyone wants to take a shot at Les.Thats because everyone can see what kind of,and I use this term losely,'guy' he

I have never questioned a mods ability to do his job and have posted against people attempting to the mods job for

Vic did his job and does his job well IMHO.,,,eh

If this guy cant afford to upgrade his pc to run more high end games than tough,its his problem and fault he cant.This is were his bitterness comes in.Since the great Les cant upgrade then I guess nobody can

How about reinstating IgotMilk,11b10,tomanbeg,Smead and the

He thinks he is a a look around at other forums Les and you will find you are the amusement for hundreds of

It seems you are running out of places to

Youre forums I bet are jammed packed with people wanting to post at youre

Oh well,I guess youre bombardment of PM's to the head honcho got you reinstated. "But...but..I worked on a SP capaigne...but...but..I like chit games...but but I am Les the Sarge...."

You claim you can go without posting here.You have proven you cant live without it.

Whats up Matrix?Scared he mite hurt himself due to the fact he cant post....Boo-Hoo,what will we ever do with out him.

riverbravo -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 8:53:09 PM)


brent_2 -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 9:50:43 PM)

edited.... not my fight

.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 10:12:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: riverbravo


ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck

You can all move on, itīs settled.

Im sorry Marc but this is

Had Les felt he was wrongly punished or wrongly warned then calling a mod a 'gonad' is not the way to go about it.,,,eh

How about tomanbeg?....He called a mod a pu**y.He got the axe.Will he get to come back?,,eh

Are all the past people who have been banned going to be reinstated?

Since the 'new way' here at matrix I have not made one post that has to do with anything political and have mad a point to stay clear of any topic I feel would lead to a ugly

On top of it he has the nerve to say Vic ruined the NAMB forum at WG.Who went on a delete spree when given an inkling of

This guy is so caught up in being the guru of wargames that he thinks he has the knowlege to dictate what should go in a wargame and what shouldnt.everyone is entitled to to have an opinion

On top of it he insults people in a roundabout way thinking his pathetic comments arent picked up by us "lesser'

Take a close look at the "is wargaming killing itself thread"..Look how he chases his tail in circles.One second wargames are dieing the next he will breath life into the genre by himself if only the devs would listen to him so he can run his games on his stone age

After Les got his first warning he claimed he wouldnt be back.What happened,He puts up a thread saying goodbye and lurks it to no end waiting for people to beg him to stay.Pathetic.Not to mention his 30 or so posts right after his self imposed exile....even more

Then he goes to the SP forum and claims he has a 'gunfighters' syndrome.Everyone wants to take a shot at Les.Thats because everyone can see what kind of,and I use this term losely,'guy' he

I have never questioned a mods ability to do his job and have posted against people attempting to the mods job for

Vic did his job and does his job well IMHO.,,,eh

If this guy cant afford to upgrade his pc to run more high end games than tough,its his problem and fault he cant.This is were his bitterness comes in.Since the great Les cant upgrade then I guess nobody can

How about reinstating IgotMilk,11b10,tomanbeg,Smead and the

He thinks he is a a look around at other forums Les and you will find you are the amusement for hundreds of

It seems you are running out of places to

Youre forums I bet are jammed packed with people wanting to post at youre

Oh well,I guess youre bombardment of PM's to the head honcho got you reinstated. "But...but..I worked on a SP capaigne...but...but..I like chit games...but but I am Les the Sarge...."

You claim you can go without posting here.You have proven you cant live without it.

Whats up Matrix?Scared he mite hurt himself due to the fact he cant post....Boo-Hoo,what will we ever do with out him.

better still about the standard for others was T "sinned" in PM....

Von Rom -> RE: Petition for Les (6/19/2004 11:22:38 PM)

May I suggest to the Moderator to lock or delete this thread?

It's becoming just a spam/flame thread now . . .

Matrix Forum Agreement

Please make sure you understand the following five simple rules before registering:

I will control myself

I will not cause trouble to others

I am at least 14 years old

Admin has the right to modify/delete my messages

Matrix Games reserves the rights to modify this agreement at any time

.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 2:01:40 AM)

Who has said Matrix is doing anything beyond its rights?

Be that as it may spades are spades and the moon can at times be a blue one.

Nobody is trolling, since you implied it can I now call you a sex organ or is that like other things for a select few?

David Heath -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 2:27:15 AM)




AOW has now gone, we all understand it wont be coming back.

Are there safeguards in effect to prevent certain users from turning the General Discussion forum into another AoW forum?

We are the safeguards and I am sure we can handle it. [:D]


David Heath -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 2:30:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: riverbravo


ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck

You can all move on, itīs settled.

Im sorry Marc but this is

Had Les felt he was wrongly punished or wrongly warned then calling a mod a 'gonad' is not the way to go about it.,,,eh

How about tomanbeg?....He called a mod a pu**y.He got the axe.Will he get to come back?,,eh

Are all the past people who have been banned going to be reinstated?

Since the 'new way' here at matrix I have not made one post that has to do with anything political and have mad a point to stay clear of any topic I feel would lead to a ugly

On top of it he has the nerve to say Vic ruined the NAMB forum at WG.Who went on a delete spree when given an inkling of

This guy is so caught up in being the guru of wargames that he thinks he has the knowlege to dictate what should go in a wargame and what shouldnt.everyone is entitled to to have an opinion

On top of it he insults people in a roundabout way thinking his pathetic comments arent picked up by us "lesser'

Take a close look at the "is wargaming killing itself thread"..Look how he chases his tail in circles.One second wargames are dieing the next he will breath life into the genre by himself if only the devs would listen to him so he can run his games on his stone age

After Les got his first warning he claimed he wouldnt be back.What happened,He puts up a thread saying goodbye and lurks it to no end waiting for people to beg him to stay.Pathetic.Not to mention his 30 or so posts right after his self imposed exile....even more

Then he goes to the SP forum and claims he has a 'gunfighters' syndrome.Everyone wants to take a shot at Les.Thats because everyone can see what kind of,and I use this term losely,'guy' he

I have never questioned a mods ability to do his job and have posted against people attempting to the mods job for

Vic did his job and does his job well IMHO.,,,eh

If this guy cant afford to upgrade his pc to run more high end games than tough,its his problem and fault he cant.This is were his bitterness comes in.Since the great Les cant upgrade then I guess nobody can

How about reinstating IgotMilk,11b10,tomanbeg,Smead and the

He thinks he is a a look around at other forums Les and you will find you are the amusement for hundreds of

It seems you are running out of places to

Youre forums I bet are jammed packed with people wanting to post at youre

Oh well,I guess youre bombardment of PM's to the head honcho got you reinstated. "But...but..I worked on a SP capaigne...but...but..I like chit games...but but I am Les the Sarge...."

You claim you can go without posting here.You have proven you cant live without it.

Whats up Matrix?Scared he mite hurt himself due to the fact he cant post....Boo-Hoo,what will we ever do with out him.

Marc said it was settled..... I am the one who settled it to start with. Its over its not your fight please drop it.


David Heath -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 2:31:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: .50Kerry

Who has said Matrix is doing anything beyond its rights?

Be that as it may spades are spades and the moon can at times be a blue one.

Nobody is trolling, since you implied it can I now call you a sex organ or is that like other things for a select few?

This is down right silly..... drop it and move along this is the last time I am saying it in a nice tone.


.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 2:59:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: David Heath


ORIGINAL: .50Kerry

Who has said Matrix is doing anything beyond its rights?

Be that as it may spades are spades and the moon can at times be a blue one.

Nobody is trolling, since you implied it can I now call you a sex organ or is that like other things for a select few?

This is down right silly..... drop it and move along this is the last time I am saying it in a nice tone.


David I would say check your PM but it is full and it could be work related.....

Maybe I can't read anymore but it would seem that "he of the 36 hour banning" got to call a mod a "gonad" and got away with it, not only getting away with it but going out of his way NOT to apologize on his return. I have no doubt you will do what you think needs doing, and that maybe I will get to be the example instead.

Lots of people better than Les have gotten to take two week time outs.


P.S. by the way my PM since I am certain if you feel the need I will not get to be back in 36 hours and if banned or IP banned I wanted you to know what the PM would have said....



You handled it and I am not stirring the pot just admiring it. Les called a mod a "gonad" in the open and wound up being banned less than 36 hours. Tomanbeg castigated a mod in private and wound up being permabanned.

Is Les' contributions to Matrix so great that we are to blind ourselves to the hypocrisy in action David?

I kept my word and I stopped flaming the arrogance of the 8.2 scrubbers. I have reduced my presence here to nil while still being very vocal in my best wishes for the company. Les is hypercritical of much of your work, flames people over their views of wargaming upon their arrival if they are fans of RTS etc etc, and fancies himself a "shadowvoice" for Matrixgames, all things I myself go out of my way to NOT be guilty of.

He enjoyed the banning and took to thumping his chest and preening about it. I give you 'I figured it out" at This is akin to the whole Chiteng episode whereby we the unwashed masses got to watch a self-appointed "Lord of the Internet' butt heads with mods and win. At any rate as I have greatly reduced my presence and merely lurk these days a bit I will refrain from drawing any more conclusions beyond the obvious ones.

I respect you David, always have always will. The choices you make are yours, and the company is yours. I just think Les is a poor choice to be so openly humane with.

I removed myself from a position similar to the one he casts himself in because I knew by my acerbic and acidic tones in the 'Art of wargaming' I could possibly cast Matrix in a negative light or even give the potential for that to happen. I do not think Les is capable of such forebearence or self oversight on that minor level.(witness his "modding" at wargamer)

Best wishes with 8.2 and most especially the paying games.

Best wishes to the wife and family,

and with that I move along....

and I'll keep my word.

David Heath -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 4:54:57 AM)


Not I felt both Les and Vic actions caused the result we got last night. Pre AOW more calm heads would have handled the thread. During the AOW time people got a lot more excited quickly. I would like things turn to a more softer mod style here if the forum users will allow this. People jumping in on the mods will not be allowed. When people get out of hand they will be handled as in the pass. The AOW and things of the past are the past. Since I consider this a time of when we are changing our forum styles I am giving a little more area for people to move in and learn how we like this to work.

Now I hope that makes this clear. Now please put this to bed and lets get back to enjoying the board.



ravinhood -> RE: Petition for Les (6/20/2004 10:37:53 AM)

Man, David is so cool headed, do you have any job openings? I could work for an employer like you. ;)

How about a marketing agent? I could drive around America and give demo's of your games in shopping malls in all the major cities? I wouldn't require much, company car, unlimited expense account, several trips to Vegas a year, attending all E3 conventions. ;)

Whadya say David? Deal? (holds out hand to shake on it) hehe

David Heath -> RE: Petition for Les (6/21/2004 3:47:08 AM)

Be careful what you ask for

max_h -> RE: Petition for Les (6/23/2004 7:53:59 PM)


online24sven -> RE: Petition for Les (6/25/2004 6:22:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: .50Kerry
Yeah that's kind of my whole vibe, but it is David's playground. All grognards are equal, but some Grogs are more equal than others....

Given the fact that this is a board focused on wargaming and military history, I'm surprised at your lack of civility when confronted with a view opposing yours.

.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/26/2004 1:17:26 AM)


ORIGINAL: online24sven


ORIGINAL: .50Kerry
Yeah that's kind of my whole vibe, but it is David's playground. All grognards are equal, but some Grogs are more equal than others....

Given the fact that this is a board focused on wargaming and military history, I'm surprised at your lack of civility when confronted with a view opposing yours.

It could be, by the way allow me to say welcome back.

I am always more than happy to be educated when it is supported beyond 'everyone knows it where I live', also I HAVE made minor contributions to the OOB threads and whatnot. Here is hoping YOU enjoy your stay here at lovely MatrixGames. I would opine on the irony of someone castigating me for divisiveness in a thread dedicated to les the Sarge, but I'll spare the forum the obvious.


VicKevlar -> RE: Petition for Les (6/26/2004 4:40:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: online24sven


ORIGINAL: .50Kerry
Yeah that's kind of my whole vibe, but it is David's playground. All grognards are equal, but some Grogs are more equal than others....

Given the fact that this is a board focused on wargaming and military history, I'm surprised at your lack of civility when confronted with a view opposing yours.

I'm more suprised by a old longtime Matrix user creating another userid to make 'one' post. Pick a userid and stick with it.

.50Kerry -> RE: Petition for Les (6/26/2004 4:52:46 PM)




ORIGINAL: online24sven


ORIGINAL: .50Kerry
Yeah that's kind of my whole vibe, but it is David's playground. All grognards are equal, but some Grogs are more equal than others....

Given the fact that this is a board focused on wargaming and military history, I'm surprised at your lack of civility when confronted with a view opposing yours.

I'm more suprised by a old longtime Matrix user creating another userid to make 'one' post. Pick a userid and stick with it.

*wink* how'd I guess...?

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