Where is the M2 60mm MMC? (Full Version)

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Hussar -> Where is the M2 60mm MMC? (12/19/2001 5:50:00 AM)

This appears to be an omission to the US OOB. The M2 60mm MMC is missing. I was trying to amend one of Wild Bills campaign scenarios and there it was in the OOB...gone. Is there a genuine reason for this? For instance, should the vehicle be there or has it been left out by accident? Comments from the floor?

Major Destruction -> (12/19/2001 10:58:00 AM)

I think it never existed.

Randy -> (12/19/2001 4:43:00 PM)

Hussar, I don't have ver 7 yet, but are you talking about the jeep mounted mortar in the USMC OOB? I hope its not missing!

Hussar -> (12/19/2001 7:11:00 PM)

The jeep mounted 60mm is OK. The vehicle that I was talking about is the half track mounted weapon. Is the current mortar policy saying that it should now be a standard 60mm that is used dismounted?

Major Destruction -> (12/20/2001 11:43:00 AM)

You got it right this time. Buy a halftrack and load a mortar into it.

Randy -> (12/20/2001 11:52:00 AM)

Hey Major Destruction, I like your Patton site! I hope they are all happy now that they are all going to Allah!!

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