ravinhood -> RE: They are bashing Gary Grigsby! (6/29/2004 9:06:12 AM)
I agree Legion and Chariots of War were not up to my expectations, but, Spartan has improved most that was flawed of the two previous, like you don't have to lose ALL your units now if you don't win the battles, so they put in a retreat feature, you still take some battle damage, but, you don't lose all your units just because you are outnumbered like in Legion and Chariots of war. The Diplomacy feature in this game is unbelievable. I counted 50 or 60 diplomatic choices, instead of the 100 I mentioned above when I looked them up in the manual. The 100 was a 100 playable factions/nations. Also their patch numbering is not like other patch numberings, the number is like the number of things they have changed or added to the game overall since release, so there have been like 17 changes to things overall, not 17 patchs! lol Patch 1.013 is really my favorite for a tough AI, they patched DOWN the AI in 1.017 and now it's not as aggressive as it was in 1.013, why oh why do they listen to the loudest whiners first? heh We're working on them bringing back the aggression of 1.013 and just let the babies whine. I've already gone back to 1.013, it's more fun when there is "fear of losing" than when there is no fear at all. I beat the very first game I played of patch 1.017 on "hard difficulty" (the most chosen level of play for me) and before with patch 1.013 I got my butt handed to me every single game! lol Some people were losing on the EASY level in patch 1.013 hahahah, so they whined, "I can't beat the game on easy wah wah wah" hahahaha Overall though I enjoy the campaign map and it's movement and the colossal size of the game and the nations. Rome is an invading faction that comes at a certain point, they are awesome overpowering. heh Then you have the Eastern Great King army out of the east to have to contend with, this little game is one of those quiet winners and it's rare I give much credentials to many games of today, but, that 1.013 AI is just a wonderful sight to behold. Who'd ever thought someone would "like" losing to the AI? ;) Oh and Elmo, it doesn't have a PBEM feature because the combat portion is in real time, simular to Total War but not like total war, you are the commander of your armies only, you get to place them on the tactical map, give them orders of what to do during the battle and then let your generals take over from there and you just sit back and watch until you want to call in the reserves, which is a "charge" command and or blow the "rally" horn which stops some of your units from routing (basically gives them a morale boost for a short time) and/or "retreat", if you feel the battle is going badly or you know you are outnumbered and going to lose anyways. If you like single player games and like a challenging AI, this one has it, as long as you stick with patch 1.013, if you feel the AI is too tough then you can patch to 1.017, heh, I sort of feel those that think an AI is ever too tough, just aren't very good players. ;) I think the 1.013 AI is tougher than heck, but, I don't mind, it's more fun trying to defeat it, than "knowing" you are going to defeat it. for me anyways.