Long campaign with only airborne troops (Full Version)

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Melvin -> Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/23/2004 10:33:38 AM)

Hi everyone, I'm new on the board. (I've been reading and playing for a while though).

I'm thinking of trying the WW2 campaign with just airborne troops (nation still undecided). Does anyone have any experiences or tips for this?

My plan is not having any ground troops at the beginning, only stuff I can bring by plane and artillery/airstrikes to support them. What kind of vehicles or other can you bring in by plane?

I know my way around the basic tactics and I've been using paratroopers to clear out enemy artillery but I have a feeling that winning entire battles with them would require something else.


Jim1954 -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/23/2004 1:34:38 PM)

Haven't tried a campaign but I did do a para meeting engagement once with RB. If it could fit in a plane, you could use it. Reinforcements came in at the 1/2 way point, and these were any type you wanted. An absolute bloodbath. No front lines, just a melee with units dropping all over the place for the 1st 4 or 5 turns. The German recoiless rifles were very effective in this (I know I had to face them as the Ami's and not much of their heavier stuff will fit in a C47.) Using gliders in addition would work well.

We were trying for a simultaneous paradrop in Italy around the time of the Anzio battle, IIRC.

My unluckiest moment? Having my A0 land on one of Bob's gold spots. 150mm in, A0 out, on the 2nd turn. And yes, I got beat.

BruceAZ -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/23/2004 7:03:00 PM)

Like Jim, I got slaughtered. I even adjusted the game/unit criteria in my favor and still got beat. The AI through tank unit after tank unit at me and I could never really recover. What forces survived the drop ended up in a odd circle and re-fought "Custer's Last Stand." It was pretty much over in 11 turns. I tried again and focused on consolidating to a remote drop zone and added arty plus tac-air, and still lost.

I think I would have had a chance if the AI didn't throw all the tanks at me. It was still fun to experiment and try new things - even if they don't work. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. I had completly forgotten about that campaign!

Semper Fi

Melvin -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/24/2004 9:50:04 AM)

How about dropping engineers and also bringing along AT-guns by gliders? The guns would have to be light though...
That in addition to having a decent aircover might ease things a little bit.

Do you think AT-rifles would cause enough suppression to tanks so that engineers could move in and blow them up?

Jim1954 -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/24/2004 1:42:00 PM)

Make sure that anything you drop out of a C47 is actually a para-something. Regular infantry and regular engineers do not fare so well when they jump. Usually very large amounts of suppression and even casualties. I can just imagine all of the broken legs, etc.

Use gliders to transport your non para troops, that gives them a little better chance.

FNG -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/24/2004 3:39:02 PM)

If you're playing against the AI, it behaves very unpredictably against scattered airdropped units, and you *may* get a less than satisfactory gaming experience - IMHO it is geared to play a more 'conventional' game. I've tried it a few times, and have got some crushing victories because the AI was obviously confused about which threat to deal with first, and rushed around like a headless chicken, but I have also been beaten like a red-headed stepchild by a massed wedge of armour before being able to form any kind of perimeter.

KG Erwin -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/25/2004 1:27:45 AM)

Melvin, welcome aboard. If you want a long campaign featuring airborne, then I humbly suggest you purchase the "Screaming Eagles" Mega Campaign. It is historical, has loads of background material in it, and if you're a fan of "Band of Brothers", you can put yourself into the jumpboots of the 506th.

I'm partial to this one, naturally, but if you want to "be there", all you gotta do is listen to Bill Wilder's in-game sound file: " Stand up...hook up...equipment check....go! go! go!"

I think I was the first in line, going, "Geroni---mama! mama! mama!" [X(]

Melvin -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/28/2004 10:17:42 AM)

Thanks for the thoughts.

I tried a few things and I noticed that the AI has it's wires crossed when fighting two fronts. Many times it just kept running circles with tanks as if they were driven by headless chickens :D.

The biggest problem was finding a good dropzone. With Germans you can glider in 76mm(?) at-guns which are good enough but moving them to a good firing position is a real problem. I was able to win some battles but I always took heavier than normal casualties so in the long run it'll be difficult.

I guess i'll be using paratroopers the old fashioned way - dropping 5 snipers and assassinating the A0 -unit :)

Do you have paradrops in many battles in Screaming Eagles or is the drop only at the beginning of the campaing?

// Melvin

Jim1954 -> RE: Long campaign with only airborne troops (6/28/2004 6:35:31 PM)

Most of the battles deal with the airborne guys being already on the ground. Those at the beginning obviously start out in the air, but IIRC there are a few others, not many though.

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