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All Forums >> [In Development] >> Combined Arms: World War II (formerly Battlefields!)


Erik Rutins -> Back from Origins (6/28/2004 4:39:12 PM)

Hello all,

Origins was great, thanks to all who stopped by, I greatly enjoyed meeting you. I'm exhausted, but quite happy. The convention was a success for us and it was fantastic having a chance to show off all our current games and in progress titles. At several points during the convention, I had a chance to demo Battlefields! and was very happy with the response. As far as I can tell from wargamer feedback, we are on the right track (several wanted to buy it right there and then) and we will work hard to get this out before the end of the year. Artillery modeling, unit ratings, cross-attachment, scenario maps and OOBs as well as overall scenario selection, light conditions, etc. etc. all were big hits. Once I catch up on the development side in a few days, I'll post a more extended preview here.


- Erik

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