editor? (Full Version)

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Panther_II -> editor? (12/24/2001 6:40:00 AM)

Hi! Wich one is the best editor for me to use with spwaw? no hex thnig readig, just plain editoring. and how do i add a missing pic for spwaw?

Don Doom -> (12/24/2001 8:05:00 AM)

Depends on what you want to do!
1.]Freds map editor is great for make various size maps or cut and paste maps.
2.]Ectenzion[Forgive me I know it is spelled wrong!] Has the SDQUICKIES for making large mountains special roads,various forest.
3.]The map editor that comes with SPWAW is good, esp. now with all the new graphic's. picture's need to be 160 x 80 size and save in the .LBM format, then need to look in the list that is in the pic folder for an empty slot, then using the OOB editor put the LBM file number you used in.

RockinHarry -> (12/27/2001 10:47:00 PM)

Yes ...as Don said, Ectizens and Freds tools are great for doing all kind of possible and impossible things! Fred Chlandas page: http://blake.prohosting.com/fchlanda/ Ectizens page: http://www.ectopia.net/~ectizen/ ...and more "in-depth" info can be found in my Freds Map Edit Document file in my signature below. Good editing ___________

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