Mike "Warhorse" Amos (Full Version)

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Resisti -> Mike "Warhorse" Amos (6/29/2004 4:48:31 PM)

I’m trying to reach him since weeks now, at two alternate addresses I’ve, both at attglobal.net, but all my mails bounced back.

Anybody heard from him and/or have another mail address?

In such a case, please let me know here or at resisti64@hotmail.com


Kevin E. Duguay -> RE: Mike "Warhorse" Amos (6/29/2004 8:40:53 PM)

You my be able to contact him at one of the Yahoo SPWW2, SP Color Mods, of SP MBT sites. I think he goes under the name zrinyius. He posts a lot there.


Hope this helps!

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