bchapman -> (12/26/2001 12:29:00 AM)
Here is a list of some of the Abreviations and Acronyms posted here before: ROTFL = Roll On The Floor Laughing IIRC = If I Recall Correctly LOL = Laugh Out Loud or Lot's Of Laughing LOL = Lot of Luck IRL: In Real Life RTFM: Read the fine (or otherwise) manual SNAFU: Situation normal, all fouled up. JANFU = Joint Army Navy Foul Up TUIFU = The Ultimate In Foul Up's IMHO = In My Humble Opinion AFAIK - as far as I know BOHICA-Bend Over, Here It Comes Again DILIGAS-Does It Look Like I Give A S*** WAFWAT-What A F****** Waste Of Time FIIGMO - (F*** It, I Got My Orders) Usually used around the time of your EAS (End of Active Service) and not the guy in the posts. FAP - Fleet Assistance Program (Getting assigned as an MP, range coach, etc) TAD - Temporary Additional Duty BC - Battalion Commander UA - Unauthorized Abscence (USMC version of AWOL) UDP - Unit Deployment Program (6 month overseas tour) FNG - F***ing New Guy AO - Area of Operations BIOYA - Blow It Out Your A** FMF - Fleet Marine Forces MEB - Marine Expeditionary Brigade MEU(SOC) - Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) MEF - Marine Expeditionary Force BAS - Battalion Aid Station FAC - Forward Air Controller STA Platoon - Surveillance and Target Acquisition Platoon (Battalion Sniper Teams) ANGLICO - Air/Naval Gunnery LIason COmpany SRIG - Special Reconnaisance/Intelligence Group CIT - Counter Intelligence Team FDC - Fire Direction Center (For plotting arty) SAW - Squad Automatic Weapon ATG - Anti-Tank Gun ATGM - Anti-Tank Guided Missile LAAW - Light Anti-Armor Weapon SMEAC - (aka the 5 Paragraph Order) Situation, Mission, Equipment, Admin/logostics, Command/signals (This was used when writing warning orders in preparation for an operation.) BAMCIS - (Used when operation planning) Begin planning, Arrange recon, Make recon, Continue planning, Implement, Supervise BST/EST Book - (aka the Green Monster) The Marine Corps Battle Skills Training/Essential Subject Training manual. (Everyone got one and most lost them when they could manage) and finally FUBAR!!! Fu**ed up beyond all reallity!!(or recognition) AFV = Armored Fighting Vehicle POW or PW = Prisoner of War MIA = Missing In Action SATCOM = Satallite communication R&R = Rest & Relaxation - or Recuperation VIP = Very Important Person KP = Kitchen Patrol MOOSE MUSS is of course referring to the principles of war: Maneuver Objective Offensive Suprise Economy of force Mass Unity of Command Simplicity Security MMFD - Miles and Miles of "Fine" Desert. (Used by the RAF in the mideast, when asked for their position.) REMF - Rear Echelon Mother f*****. Usually to do with support troops - but many use it for anybody farther back from the fighting than they are. C3CM = Command and Control CounterMeasures, those actions taken to deny your opponent the abilty to C&C his forces. Your options to do so are to deceive, deny, disrupt or destroy his forces.