ZOOMIE1980 -> RE: Wait a minute! (7/1/2004 4:21:20 PM)
ORIGINAL: 2Stepper quote:
ORIGINAL: MCKClaudi I really hope the ai doesn't suck, that would be a gamekiller for me. Its a shame it doesn't get as much attention as pbem does. A great ai would imo help sell this game to a more non grognard crowd. Maybe Matrixgames should consider hiring a dedicated ai programmer to help on all their projects. Guys, guys... Granted, opinions are like *****'s and everyone has one, but I gotta say speaking for MY particular opinion? I have to believe that the AI in WiTP had to have passed the "acid test" with the programmers, otherwise we'd still be sitting on our perspective laurels for weeks and weeks waiting on a release of the game. Admittedly the AI in wargames waxes and wanes depending on how it's run from the start, but just like other more respectable games in this genre? When the game DOES come out to buy and I know it will... I plan to offer up all the help to Matrix that I can to make it a GREAT game. Sure we'll mostly have PBEM buddies soon into the learning curve and all, but we shouldn't neglect the AI either... My suggestion to Matrix IF/WHEN any issues come up with AI? Set aside a section of the forum called "AI IMPROVEMENT PROJECT". That way developmentally it can be improved somewhat. Besides, there's one other thing of interest in the point being made in this thread about AI's that wasn't addressed. What was the difficulty being played? May not be the best of examples but I've played UV on the EASY level and could beat the AI with one hand tied behind my back... It's all relative... I'd jus say to the matrix lads, there's plenty of people in this forum that are really stoked about this game and while some may grouse and grumble about things? Most of us want to see the best game on the planet, and I for one am willing to do what I can to help make that happen. [8D] Slightly cheesy "kiss-up" to Matrix, I know, but you know what? It's also an honest one. [8D] The problem with using difficulty levels is all they do is give the computer better stuff, more stuff, bombs do more damage and troops kill more of your guys. If the AI gets confused somewhere, it gets confused at the same place at ALL difficulty levels. It's not like it plays more aggressively at higher levels or suddenly discovers the concept of a feint and such. I think that's what some want in an AI. An AI that plays "better" at higher levels not just has more effective weapons.... And that's a MAJOR technological challenge for a game as complex as WitP or even UV. As for this one, my expectations are that the Japanese AI at the VERY LEAST does everything it can to establish it's historic defensive line perimeter. If it leaves gaps (like PACWAR in the East Indies and New Guinea) I'll be dissappointed. And for the American AI, I would hope that if the Japanese player does something stupid, like some of the these suicide missions some have talked about the AI is smart enough to make that Japan player pay for it and is smart enough to attack a position with at least 2 or 3-1 odds regardless of how many Japanese troops are defending (or bypass the place altogether if ridiculously over-defended). Stuff like that. If not, I will just lump this game in with all the others in terms of lousy AI. But my expectations in this area are pretty low, so who knows?