Major Destruction -> RE: SdKfz 222 Question (7/9/2004 5:33:20 AM)
You need to edit the scenario that you will be going to next. This would mean copying the scenario from the MC folder to the scen folder (in a vacant slot) and then opening that scenario in the editor to make the changes. Once your enter the scenario you can not make permanent changes. you could try saving the turn then renaming the save files to scen files and editing there. It would only fix your units in that scenario and would probably spoil the game for you - from the pov of any surprises the scenario might hold. Whatever you choose to do, it is not a simple thing and quite time-consuming. Oh, btw, the scenario files in campaigns only contain the .dat file therefore you need to rmember which slot you named your scenario to since it will not show up in the scenario list. I like to rename one of the early scenarios, say scen007.dat to scen007orig.dat then copy my imported scenario to the scen007 slot. I think that scenario is the tiger tank tutorial. Now, when I open the editor, I edit the Tiger tank tutorial which is the scenario from the campaign. Copy the edited scenario back to the MC and rechange the name to whatever it was originally. Confused? Did I mention that this was not easy?