Aelbric -> Tutorial - US: TFs, LBAs "losing" their orders (7/3/2004 9:23:33 PM)
I've noticed several units forgeting their orders after the turn they are given. Example: I create a TF at Eniwetok with 10 destroyers and 4 AKs. Give the AKs the order to load the 2 F and 1 FB AC unit and give a destination of the other Allied base. It appears to take. Run the turn and the TF is still at 0 loaded with no loading status in the description. If I reissue orders over the course of 3-4 turns, they will finally take and begin loading the AC. Is this a behavior caused by "Commander discretion", am I just giving the orders wrong, or is this something else? On a side note, I seem to be having a lot of problems with the tutorial. Does the game exhibit the same behavior in other scenarios?