2Stepper -> RE: How do most people insure that they hve done everything. (7/5/2004 1:31:11 PM)
ORIGINAL: cpt_Venomous Easy actually, after years of PTO & PTO 2 and PacWar, you begin to see geographical locations and units in your dreams Despite sounding a little silly, this isn't far off... You section off areas in your mind in terms of what you're out to accomplish and go to them one at a time. You're bound to miss a detail or two from turn to turn, but you deal with it. More often then not, the computer takes care of things. Then you just go back the next turn and catch up. Once you have your overall strategies down, you won't worry about the minor details... [8D] Just the depth and deprevation of your dreams about WiTP! LMAO!!! [:D][:D]