8.2 Opponent Wanted (Full Version)

All Forums >> [Current Games From Matrix.] >> [World War II] >> Steel Panthers World At War & Mega Campaigns >> SP:WaW Opponents Wanted


This_Buds_4U -> 8.2 Opponent Wanted (7/4/2004 11:32:52 PM)

Looking for two games (max is 2) to play. No prefs, new to the PBEM on spwaw but used to play PBEM games in Steel Panthers 2 and 3 days. Send me a file.

Smeghead -> RE: 8.2 Opponent Wanted (7/12/2004 8:24:15 AM)

Game setup & sent.

Germans (you) vs. Canadians (me)

8/'43 Italy

Meeting engagement. No preset mines or fortifications, no infaltrators.

Cheers. [:)]

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