Thayne -> RE: How are you learning the game? (7/7/2004 2:10:43 AM)
As a youngster in college, I played the original cardboard game -- the full game. I laminated the 35 square foot map and pinned it to the wall, where I used markers to plot the movement of task forces and circles to identify the range of aircraft. When I discovered this game, I decided to just jump into the war. Any mistakes that I made could be chalked up to the inefficiencies that are endemic when a country gears up to fight a war. So, I played through the tutorial, then started Scenario 15 (Allies). No automation of any kind. No do-overs (unless I made a mistake that was so major that it would cost me the war). I made a number of round trips between the game, to the manual, to the forums, and back to the game. I started off in Hawaii and the west coast in the morning, and did not get to India and China until late afternoon. Remember, no do-overs. Even then, I put a lot of things off thinking, "I'll worry about them later." I had some problems -- like armadas of surface ships leaving port without anything in them. And I think I might not have done a very good job getting supply to the right places yet. But, I'm learning fast. It is like a real war. Time marches on, and on December 8th about the only "strategy" that the military had put in place was "dig in and hold out as long as you can while we figure out what we're doing!" That's what I'm doing.