Randy -> (1/10/2002 1:56:00 PM)
Hi Dave, I just tried to load my new games and this is what happened. I already had NA 41, so I then loaded 7.0 and then WT. The WT deleted my NA. Then I loaded LV and I got the "Upgrade.exe the specified file was not found" message. Then I reloaded 7.0 from the LV CD, and that over rode my WT. I checked my Mega campaign folder and these are the sub folders; DF, WT, Save, mainsplash.ibm, LV.cfg. So what do I do now? Where do I find the "Upgrade.exe file?" I know this is pretty basic stuff, but I haven't a clue as what to do next (I'm not very savy about files, or pasting or any of that stuff). Any help you or any one else can provide would be greatly appreciated (I'm even willing to delete everything and start from scratch-even though I'd lose some cool maps). Thanks