irrgang -> RE: Can anyone from Matrix comment on this??? Is the manual right or wrong??? (7/7/2004 3:59:15 PM)
ORIGINAL: Marc Schwanebeck quote:
ORIGINAL: irrgang Content is fine, but the overall quality is rather bad. I'd like to see an updated version. What are your concerns about "quality" ? Marc, Sorry about that very general quality remark. What I meant is that there are a some spelling errors that a grammar check or a proof reader should've caught. (At least if they have english as their native language.) They are very obvious and easy to catch. My point is if they are obvious then authors are probably aware of them. Then the question arise: Why aren't these faults corrected? From a technical point of view proof reading is ok, but it's clearly lacking in regards to the langauge used. Anyway, from the top of my head here's what I stumbled on... - Grammar: ", and" as in Ch. 1.0 of Tutorial: "Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced" - Misspellings. As an example: 'Their' spelled as 'Thier' in some places and 'There' in some places. Spell checkers find the first one for sure and grammar checks the second one. Aren't those used and if so, why aren't they acted upon? Although these are minor faults it gives an indication on what attitude Matrix/2by3 has towards quality. (A bit harsh, but reading the manual/tutorial gave me my first impression of the game and 2by3 products.) - Errata: Ch. 19.4.1 IJN CV loadout: 3/8 + 3/8 + 3/8 = 9/8 - Errata: Tutorial. (Disclaimer, I might have done something wrong here!) In beginners section the allies are told to form a fast transport on turn 1 that follows another transport TF. HD is set to Woleai. My fast transport headed to Saipan (follow TF) while the tutorial seemed to expect that it should head to Woleai or Satawal (where it was supposed to be attacked on turn 2). - Errata: Tutorial page 16. Altitude says 1500, should be 15000. As I said, the content is fine, I really can't wish for anything more. And of course, this must be put in perspective. What counts is the gameplay and so far it seems to have a high quality and good focus on squashing bugs and tweak the performance.