skukko -> (1/10/2002 3:56:00 AM)
Hey guys and gals : Lets keep these suggestions in campaigns that CAN NOT be made in regular campaign editor. With inbuilt editors you can do 75% of these great battles and suggestions.
Sure there is possibility to do smaller MCs if allowed, I am not saying that, but thinking about MC and its structure, it demands more possibilities and differend paths than week or two lasting battles do offer. It can be done, but it would be waste of engine and its capabilities.
For example Ubertechies own work, Sealion, has according his words already 50 battles built. That is alot of work. ( Gongrats, pal ) Think about it a while... Without better knowledge of these scenarios: If they are independent scenarios that are tight-depending of results, it cuts actuall battles, (ones that gamer sees) to 1/3 or even 1/6, -of 50. Not much to fight ? If these scenarios are not diverting anywhere, it would need at least 100 differend variations of each scenario, if attached to a MC. Does that campaign and events around it provide so much material that it want be just slight changes to base scenario? Does it feed designers imagination to do it from bottom of a heart? Is it worth of hundreds of hours of work from 20 -50 people?
Ubertechie has nothing to do with this post, it was taken as an example by me.