pad152 -> RE: how far? (7/11/2004 7:08:57 AM)
Jan 16, 1942 No BBs sunk at PH but the Japanese wiped out my aircraft, which still have not recoved, they didn't sink anything, but they damaged over 28 ships Lost Wake first day, I'm trying to take it back, my carriers just sank a TF trying to reinforce Wake! I'm landing 34th RCT, wish I brought more troops. Lost Malaya, Burma I stripped the Dutch but the Japanese AI seems very slow to take the resource area. Taking 3 bases in China, lost 2 Best yet, The Repulse sank the Mogami! Allies 26 ships (1BC,2CL,3DD,1ML 2SS, rest AK,Tk) Japanes 60 ships (1CA, 2CL,6DD, 1ML 6SS, rest AK,AP)