Lost Victories deliveries to outside USA ? (Full Version)

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Anthony_MatrixForum -> Lost Victories deliveries to outside USA ? (1/8/2002 6:58:00 AM)

Hi I am wondering if the Lost Victories MC has been delivered to people outside of the USA. I ordered in "way back when", and wondering when it will arrive - (it seems like many people already have it.....) This problem maybe due to the fact I ordered it with the first MC (which has been received & played) I have a request on the help desk
(1010360044) for more info about the order, but no response yet. Thanks
Really enjoying Desert Fox, that first battle was tough however (I hate 40mm AA:-)

RolandRahn_MatrixForum -> (1/8/2002 11:28:00 AM)

Hi! I got my parcel on Dec 31st. Hope this helps, Roland

Neil Stalker -> (1/8/2002 12:48:00 PM)

Cool, the first one was written by an Aussie with a sadistic streak.

Anthony_MatrixForum -> (1/9/2002 7:57:00 AM)

Sadistic ??? Masochist for sure, keep coming back for those punishingly excellent scenarios. The help desk seems to have fixed my problem for now, so back to North Africa Thanks to all at Matrix

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