strawbuk -> RE: Stupid Paratrooper Tricks (7/14/2004 11:17:27 AM)
Chaps 1. Air assualt on awake defended targets always fail. Nealry all landings in ww2 are in (they hoped) empty drop zones then move/fight on to target eg Chindits, Arnhem. Crete - a success but ripped guts out of German airbourne forces, and seaboorne invasion actually decided 2. Support support support. Paras good for blocking routes etc but even if 1 above is done and they march on to target, they tend not be packing a lot of arty or tanks, and this makes for unhappy paras if not relieved/reinforced ie Arnhem, or Myitkina where US Army misused Chindits as assault troops not as distractors/raiders. S