kgsan -> RE: Determining Aircraft Cargo Capacity (7/17/2004 8:39:15 PM)
ORIGINAL: Mr.Frag Oh, the aircraft end ... quite easy ... It is listed in the database screen for the aircraft. The element weights are listed on other screens off that same database. a C-47 = 10,000 pounds = 100 load factors. To figure out the grunts, look at the element parts and do the math. A support unit = 20 load factors so a normal HQ (360) = 20 x 360 = 7200 So ... a 16 plane C-47 group will move 16 x 100 per turn of that 7200. (1600 per turn) ie: 5 turns to go from a to b. The key thing to keep in mind that things with load factors over 7 (apart from pack items) can not be broken down and fit in the air transport. Thanks Mr Frag. I wasn't sure how to convert the pounds to load factors. Now I see, divide the pounds the plane can carry by 100.